If you are of the opinion that training works at that level, cool beans. I'm of the opinion that training takes a good upfront investment otherwise the players that are being trained are gonna drop of the radar interms of value. They'll be worth 1k at 30.
You must be kidding right? You can get any random three allstar or better potential 19 year olds with a $4-5,000 starting salary bought for $1 each and single position train them for four seasons till they cap. Without even having to train them as SFs but just making them solid combo guards with at least sensational OD, JS and PA they will be worth probably around a minimum of a million each. At age 30, probably about two thirds of that far from $1. In fact when I searched the TL just now for similar players I had to increase the age limit from 22 to 25 or under and still most of the players are more like worth about $2,000,000 each.
Turn 3 x 1k players into 3 x $1-2,000,000 players in four seasons seems like a good thing for a low level team to do.