A few teams have to be bleeding money at a rate of over $100k/week then.
Granted the economy page doesn’t account for BBM/NT wins, so up until this week, I’m sure the ‘real’ losses were much less. But with BBM and NT done for most teams, it’ll be interesting to see how everyone’s warchest holds up.
The Preyers were losing money this season, until this week: it wasn't 100K, but it might have been 60K at its peak. I've been reducing it a little at a time. I have trouble balancing training for U21NT, for example, and keeping enough wins in the win column to satisfy the fans, especially if the trainees need to play out of position and get some game experience. It isn't that I can't do it, but I fight it. I don't get as much out of the game.
To digress briefly from the topic: The training system is out of sync with how I envision practice/training going for a basketball team. It's a simulation, so we make sacrifices for the fun of the game, but training has been one of the few consistent complaints I have about how the SIM works. I'm also not ecstatic with how the GE decides results--too much use of fouls (as in my last game with the Red Peppers) and injuries (for one game) to get to the result. Small complaints. The game is still very, very good!