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The Eagle (2nd Edition)

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From: Yuck

This Post:
220612.584 in reply to 220612.582
Date: 6/22/2013 4:24:53 PM
Cassville Yuck
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Yuckville Cass
Doing good Tough! Keep bangin.

This Post:
220612.585 in reply to 220612.1
Date: 6/22/2013 9:50:06 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
check out this great article on the finals.

From: tough
This Post:
220612.586 in reply to 220612.585
Date: 6/24/2013 12:41:09 AM
Mountain Eagles
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers

Saturday vs. the Buzzard Eaters was a very defensive game for both teams. For the 1st three quarters the Eaters were held to 24 points, I repeat, 24 points!, while the M Eagles had 55 points. The Mountain Eagles did win though, 72-48, making the Mountain Eagles #1 in the Great 8 and having a 3-0 record. Player of the game was 6th Man Jaak Pold, who came off the bench scoring 17 points on 46% shooting. "Came off the bench and did what I needed to do: keep the lead. I did and I made sure I made every shot I had. Yes I missed some but I kept my composure and still kept shooting for the team. I was playing great defense as well, but all I want to do is win. Winning feels so good." Another key player was Nicola Bongiovanni, who had 19 points starting. "My matchup was easy. This old guy kept on getting rocked by me. It was so easy to score I wanted to do it more, but I wanted to ease off so I could make the game interesting. 3-0 and thats all that matters. Lets get the next one team." "Man, really happy seeing how I'm playing on tape. Averaging double doubles every game could be good to my future, and also giving me reps too at PF. I think I can improve much more and become one of the best players for the team, if I set my mind into it and be able to assess myself to train harder, faster, and better then I can train myself to be a great big man." replied Sol Scarborough. "I like the way the team's going. 3-0 is a fabulous start to the season and it will only get better as our team develops more chemistry and starts to share the ball better. The more our team works together the more our team will win and get better shots. Bongiovanni is doing good for a SG. Liontos is playing spectacular defense and the Big men are lasting out there on the court averaging double doubles night in and night out. Our bench is doing much better. With Pold leading the way we can lead our team to the playoffs and potentially a championship. Lets keep working team." called HC Steven Wilson. "The team's on it's way." said GM tough. "WE're taking it one win at a time. Once the wins start piling up then we can start thinking about winning the league. I think we have a pretty good shot at winning the league. All we have to do is find a way to beat Eison, BPI, Officials and I think we got the league. That's all I have to say for now and I think we have a pretty good shot at going 7-0."

Thats it, from Houston this is Todd McManion reporting for The Eagle.

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
This Post:
220612.587 in reply to 220612.586
Date: 6/24/2013 5:23:49 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Dang... 588 posts in this thread.

This Post:
220612.589 in reply to 220612.587
Date: 6/24/2013 5:55:02 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Dang... 588 posts in this thread.

But it's been remarkably efficient, using probably a total of 75 commas and periods (not counting ellipses and unbroken strings of periods used for spacing because it's so much more elegant than hitting period and space or actually having paragraphs).

This Post:
220612.590 in reply to 220612.589
Date: 6/24/2013 5:58:33 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Hey, he's living the dream and he has inspired me to make a slightly less mediocre thread.

This Post:
220612.591 in reply to 220612.590
Date: 6/25/2013 12:33:31 AM
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This is second edition. 1st edition already hit 1000 posts.

From: tough
This Post:
220612.592 in reply to 220612.591
Date: 7/24/2016 2:57:13 AM
Mountain Eagles
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
Well now...its been 4 years since the very first issue of "The Eagle" and a lot has changed. Don't worry people, I'm not about to do this again, but reflect on what's changed over the years.

Back in 2012 I've came to the conclusion that I probably had a immense amount of free time, enabling me to make over 1500 posts in what is probably hot garbage from a forum standpoint. Took about a year in order for me to fully stop doing this. Sometiems I look back at these threads and don't even realize that it's myself writing this stuff LOL. But its good to see that myself and a few other managers are still around playing this game, compared to the amount of others who have came and passed by the game and their time ran out.

I'm not the 13 year old annoying teenager anymore, who spent about 10 hours a day looking at buzzerbeater and going through everything like a kid in a candy store. It's strange and kinda amazing to see how much 4 years can do to a human as far as maturing goes. Going out to see the real world, personal experiences, and the grueling life of schoolwork and now the workforce can actually take a toll on someone, I just never knew how it actually felt before I actually did it. I'm now a 18 year old man working to make some cash and help in any causes for America. I read back at some of these posts and a lot of them are just obnoxious and unnecessary. I will say though I never seen myself playing this game for this long and actually end up being a U21 coach. Just want to say this game is awesome and I'll keep playing this even when I head up to college in a couple years, and eventually play until this game dies out. It's the best sim out there and since starting this thread, I used to play 6 sim games. Now I just play 2 and even the 2nd one gets a bit tedious managing.

The reason for bumping this? Just to get a few kicks and laughs from the people who didn't get to read these posts, and to let them see what the "noob tough" was back in the day. Thank god those days are over

This is Marcelo Siggers, reporting for The Eagle for the very last time.

Go Eagles!

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
From: Chekreyes

This Post:
220612.593 in reply to 220612.592
Date: 7/24/2016 12:01:38 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I still got the 1000th post B)

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