Are you sure that Fecri didn't shoot a lot of tap-in,as he take a lot of offensive rebounds?He is the only player that shoot more than the expected(with the poor skills of your guards and the Sfs that had to take 1/3 of the total shots),but tap-in should be the solution
Pg is a less important offensive option than Sf in a R&G
Yes he made like 10 tap-ins and missed all of them!!! But that's not important. It just proves that he got those points from outside shooting. You said pg is less important. How about sg? My sf shooted more than both my pg and sg combined together, and pf more than either one of them, and C, still more than them, even if you take away the tap-ins. 19 shots out of 83 is still way too low (22.9%). Doesn't it tell you something?
It tells me that it's all as expected.The point is not who score more points,because it depends from the percentages of the single game.The point of this discussion is to understand how R&G distributes shots.
The main focus of this tactic are the PG,SG and
SF,so if you have weak PGs and SGs it's normal that your SFs will shoot a lot.
PG,SG and SF shots 49 shot on 83,more than the half of the shots.Then,it's normal that if your weaker players are two of the three main focus of the R&G,the overall distribution of the ball will change a little bit.SF will have a good part of these shots drained by the guards,in fact Sf shoots the double of every other role in the game(without tap-in for your center,that not depends from the tactic),and a little part of the shots will be taken from your Pf and C
Your match is not indicative,because it's completely strange that someone will play an outside tactic with the guards as the two weaker players of the team.Try to play some games with a normal line-up(and good shape) for a R&G and then we could see better,.but you can't found your observation on a reaaly particular game