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CBBA Weekly Update Broadcast!

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131335.6 in reply to 131335.5
Date: 2/14/2010 6:24:58 AM
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Why are Gold Towers and T.P. Team are abandoning CBBA...?

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131335.7 in reply to 131335.6
Date: 2/14/2010 6:48:28 AM
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Apparently, and this is unofficial, they got bored of the CBBA. Propably they would like to try a new challenge in their lives or in a new country where the community would be stronger or more active. Or they were afraid of the up and coming teams of the newly active cyprus community that were getting stronger. In the case of Gold, it goes like 'get out while you are ahead'.

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131335.8 in reply to 131335.6
Date: 2/14/2010 8:27:14 AM
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Ones again CWUB comes live to you for an inside look at yesterdays games and further coverage of all the changes in CBBA of the last 24 hours.

First stop at the arena camp of Gold Towers. The question adressed by GastOne manager of Megalonhsos " Why Gold towers as well as Tp Team abandoned CBBA" has eluded our channel reporters,unfortunately.The only sure thing is that Gold Towers has mentioned ones before of leaving the CBBA as the consecutive wins have caused a lost of interest to the manager. Other than that we are unable to contribute to this mystery since Gold Towers does not reply to our emails.
Regarding Tp Team the mystery is even more into fog. The sure thing is that all players have been transfered to either oversea teams or domestic ones and thus the bench of both Gold and Tp are now empty.

1. Starting with the most important game on our list, BC teammate against Passif Agressifs. A match that was composed of suspense, drama and excitement. The tremendous attempt of Passifs to overcome the colosal team BC teammate came to a close in the last seconds of the game. A correct offensive tactic of Run and gun along with a 3-2 zone defense were just not enough to bring the win. K. Papazisis and I. Mastroyiannis performed an amazing game with 39 and 29 points, of which 9 in 21 3point attempts. On the other side Z. Ivic who before the game claimmed to be well prepared, managed to achieve 31 points. A bit far from his best performance of 45 points against Pafos. No words can characterize the above match except from "a match to remember!"
2. Megalonhsos vs Ekleptismenoi. What can we say? Ekleptismenoi gave it their best although they had instructions by their manager not to give their whole in the game. Colosal attempt to keep in sight of the powerhouse Megalonisos and although Ekleptismenoi turned into an offensive frenzy in the 4rth quarter it was still not enough to get the win. The horrid amount of 28 rebounds surely played its role in Ekleptismenoi defeat. Nevertheless congrats should be given for such an extraordinary attempt to overcome the kings of Big 8, Megalonisos.
Our special journalist Nikos Vagkelatos managed to get an interview of Ekleptismenoi superstar C. Torres who claimmed " this is just the beginning, our team has high hopes and future domination plans. To all the nonbelievers just wait and see. There are a lot more in our team than the eye can see".
3. Paphos with more like a weak performance managed to steal the win from Zeys in Olympus Arena with the minimum difference of 4 points. T. Gittas, the scoring talent of Zeys, gave it his best with 41 points but was still not enough. Ones again the low rebound percentage of the home teams big guys seemed to have cause this outcome. Should Zeys look into this matter? All we can do is wait and see. Good news for Paphos that started with the right foot their attempt of eluding the relegation matches.
4. Huge upset in Melfort Arena were the upcoming team Keraynos forced Valentinos to his third loss in a row, digging the team even further to dissapointment. Ones a super team, Valentinos now faces a future with no return unless new and capable blood enters the team to lift it off its grave. C. De Martini, Valentinos superstar, was shut down by the offensive and defensive monster A. Diame. Nikos Chadzinikolaou camera captured Valentinos fans burning the players jerseys showing their dislikes of the teams performance, ones again.
This is all the time we have for today. Stay tuned with CWUB as more news keep coming in!
As always from your host and all the crew, have a nice and peaceful weekend! Keep it light with our channel sponsor, CBBA light Budweiser.

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131335.10 in reply to 131335.8
Date: 2/14/2010 6:06:15 PM
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We have promised to take a long look at the top candidates for CBBA in season 12 and here they are at random order.

1. Syntaxer, at the moment the only team undefeated in Div I. Syntaxer managed by Recep consist of several great players equal to the current strenght of the CBBA teams. Taking a long look at the training and tactics of the manager we come to the conclusion of a big men, PF and C, tactical training along with training of gurads in an attempt to build a balanced team. Manthos Kritikopoulos and Cesare Cosimelli are characterized as giant players, in respect of skills, that any of the CBBA teams would like to have in their possession. Yusuf Can Noyan, Džiugimantas Purikovas and Hao Hengjian on the other hand are considered as killing machines from long range as well as shorter distances. The only downside to this team is its poor bench and lack of domestic players. For sure Syntaxer will not be at the bottom of the CBBA in season 12.
2. In Div II our attention falls on Ipwich, a team currently at the second place of its conference behind Simpsons Magic. The team is managed by Lua Lua. Renato Canuto, Vjekoslav Gluhak, Rauls Lene and Denis Nachinkin are the major stars of this team, packing most of the weekly points. A team that usually plays motion tactics with 3-2 zone, needs to develope its power scoring abilitites from all ranges if it wishes to live another day in CBBA. All considered, little are the prospects of this team in the CBBA due to the increased mean age of the squad and the shortage of players as Ipwich consists of only 9 players.
3. Going down to Div III surely our favourites are Virtus Liuk managed by Lucas. Tremendous and dreamy achievement in the run for the cup tittle this year have increased the teams moral which is now hungry for more success. Unfortunately ones again a team that follows the same solid tactics through the whole season. Siegheld Wilmig and Aldo Ridente are the top elite of the team and to be honest of any CBBA team. Major advantage of the team is the streght not only of the starting squad but also the solid punch that can be inflicted by the reserve players. Surely Virtus Liuk is one of the most promising candidates that will bloom in CBBA next season. The only downside to this team could be the high mean age of its players that might tend to be a disadvantage in the long run.
4. Slowly but surely we reach Div IV were the team that stands out is non other than Cruellords. Manager Cruellord not only has the tendency to train Big guys but also the courtesy of domestic ones. A team with lots of talent such as Isaak Kalpadakis, Milán Kardos and Tasos Valsamidis, will take a shot at the luxury arenas of CBBA. Major downside could be and should be considered the inability of the team to manage a profitable outside scoring capability. Inabilty for flexibility in the team could prove disastrous to the teams run for CBBA.

So there you have it, CWUB favourite teams for future entrance to CBBA in season 12. Will our beloved CBBA benefit from the addition of these teams? The future of the league is surely uncertained and only time will tell.
Disturbing nevertheless is the fact that nearly non of the managers of lower divisions takes the time or the effort to train domestic players to increase the strenght of Cyprus NT.

From your host, Melis and everyone that helped for your detailed feed in, see you on Tuesday 6pm. Until then stay tuned to our channel as more exclusives are on the way!