1. Maybe replace your trainer as his salary is quite high for the level. I don't believe that you need a PR manager that high level, i know i'm only in div 3 but level 5 PR is quite high. Advanced will be a better level. Level 5 trainers are for teams with one surberb player or a couple of great players, if you don't have that then level 5 trainer is a waste of money.
2. Selling some players could also work. Don't know how many players on your roster and if more than 13 you might want to sell some.
3. Draft is random and spending $40,000 can backfire if you have a weak draft. I heard the best value for money is $20,000 per week.
Getting players from different countries in U21 or national team might not be so good. These players are way overpriced for their skill value. I know this guy who only got an extra 10k of merchanising for his national player from another country.
Hope that helps.