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Changing players' defensive positions

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From: zvuk

This Post:
146543.6 in reply to 146543.5
Date: 6/21/2010 7:28:07 AM
Dalmatia Towars
Overall Posts Rated:
what happens in this situation?
this week i train OD for PG/SG, so in one of the games i put my SF in a SG position so he collects his 48 min. on the other end, i put him on SF defensively.
question is: does he get less training because he played SG only on offense?

From: CrazyEye

To: zvuk
This Post:
146543.7 in reply to 146543.6
Date: 6/21/2010 7:36:03 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
offense counts for training, even if you train Defence ;) So he won't lost any minute.