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Help with level 6 trianer

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155809.6 in reply to 155809.1
Date: 9/2/2010 2:12:18 AM
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I also think that buying a coach with such a big salary is not a good idea for your team... right now, his salary is 63.000*2.25% ant next week it will be around 64.418, and so on... I don't think you have so much money to keep him more than few weeks... it's better for you to buy a 5 lvl coach with a salary between 20-28k... but this is just my humble opinion:-)

about the effect of a lvl 6 coach on you player training you can read here

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155809.7 in reply to 155809.1
Date: 9/2/2010 7:51:01 AM
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I suggest you get a lvl 2 or lvl 3 trainer. They are very cheap and really, I don't see the point of having lvl 6 trainer. The difference between lvl 2 and lvl 6 is not very much. I believe that in division 5, the weekly net income is not very high, so it's not worth having 63k trainer, he's just taking all the money that can be saved if you had lvl 2 or 3 trainer.

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155809.8 in reply to 155809.7
Date: 9/2/2010 7:56:53 AM
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bad advice

dont get a level 2 or 3 trainer

you can get a level 4 trainer with a salary of less than $20k for less than $20k easily

i read in another post tonight of a guy who got a level 4 with 11k salary for 4k

level 4 coaches are so cheap you dont need to bother with a lower level one at all

there is a MUCH bigger difference between a level 2 and a level 4 than between a level 4 and a level 6

the one true thing said is you dont need a level 6 - unless you are training a real future star maybe with nt aspirations, most teams cannot afford them and if you do the math, it is cheaper to just buy a better trainee or an older established player

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155809.9 in reply to 155809.8
Date: 9/2/2010 8:04:41 AM
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Yeah I guess lvl 2 or 3 is pretty bad. I thought lvl 2 trainer was competent and lvl 3 trainer was bad. I have advanced (lvl 4?) trainer. I got him for about $6000 or so and his salary is 16k. Not bad at all.

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155809.10 in reply to 155809.1
Date: 9/2/2010 10:53:36 PM
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cut him now
you are overspending 50K a week
to obtain 1 extra skill point in 8weeks <- wild guess
thats 400K u can buy a better trainee or a MVP for ur DIV
moreover the offseason is coming, which only has 2/3 of training time available each week.

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155809.11 in reply to 155809.4
Date: 9/3/2010 7:02:28 PM
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I am training big men. I have many of my 2 trainees primary skills op to proficient after 1 season. This week. (starting 9/3) I am going to do stamina. Is this smart becuase Most of my players stamina are at inept/atrocious. This was not a problem this season though becuase I always have blow out wins. Does this sound like a good idea, or should I not do stamina training while I still have a lvl 6 trainer?

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155809.12 in reply to 155809.10
Date: 9/3/2010 7:07:24 PM
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I am 12k in debt so I will get a new one when I can afford it. (This will be next homegame, before the financial update.)

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155809.13 in reply to 155809.12
Date: 9/3/2010 9:05:02 PM
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it isnt too late you do fridays training then sack him, this will save you 60k

next week after your home game you will have enough to hire a level 4, maybe sell a player you don't need if you are really tight for cash

if you want to save even more then stick with the level 1 you get after sacking the old level 6 and just do stamina or ft training for a week, by then you should be fine