My first paragraph states,
You'd need to train about 8weeks.
Everyone knows that players have sublevels in skills.
That is why you train for 8weeks or so and watch a progression of several pops over a period of time whenever testing any kind of training. YOu judge speed by looking at several intervals between pops and always disregard the first interval. Anyone qualified to have the conversation should know this, and I know this. Besides which GM clarified BBs have stated no staff sublevels. So end of this conversation
Please don't respond to me again, in any thread if possible.
You should know that 8 weeks is a very very short period of training in terms of training,and you should also consider that when a player pop,he will have sub-levels to arrive to the next pop,so it will happen that you however caould not see the sub-levels in trainers,because the sub.levels will still not be the same
I was showing you that,also if trainers had had sub-levels(and they don't have them),it would be impossible to demonstrate it in this way