Yet I still had decent success even with the lowest team payroll in the league. (even made it to the finals both season 11 & 12) So while that may not be possible in higher divisions, can you still make a decent profit & while say finishing 3rd or 4th place? Or simply not possible?
in germany "two" low budgets team calculated, that the weekly income without them was -50k in the first division, with decent cup runs it is a +/- 0 thing for them during the regular season but in the off season we loose lot of money ;)
I have a quite cheap rooster depending on salary and make still 10-80k depending on success + Cup profit each week, and i plan with the semifinals in my division so i won't loose money in the off season(but i believe i am not the only one with this plan *gg)
So it is possible, BUT my players are pretty expensiv when i buy them, so i loose lot of my money through "aging" so it isn't necessary the best economical way.