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BB India > Hope everything is ok

Hope everything is ok

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177304.6 in reply to 177304.4
Date: 3/15/2011 5:52:36 AM
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That's cool if everything is fine for your relatives. How about you? Are you mentally "ok"? I bet you are worried about what's happening over there... Good luck Tungi, stay strong!

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177304.7 in reply to 177304.6
Date: 3/15/2011 8:11:44 AM
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Yeah well I'm bit distracted and can't concentrate even in school these days. Especially the nuclear power plant worries me a lot...

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177304.8 in reply to 177304.7
Date: 3/15/2011 8:54:56 AM
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well the japan disaster is really devastating...i am very happy that ur family is safe.....i know that its a bit difficult to come over these situations but i know u r a strong fellow and u will recover my wishes are with u and my family.........

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177304.9 in reply to 177304.8
Date: 3/15/2011 10:56:01 AM
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Thanks BB champ.

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177304.10 in reply to 177304.7
Date: 3/16/2011 5:28:28 AM
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From what I understand, Japanese are not really conscious of what's happening over there. Or should I say properly informed. What infos do you have in India regarding Nippon nuclear situation?

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177304.11 in reply to 177304.10
Date: 3/16/2011 6:10:21 AM
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Well I live in Sri Lanka. I don't watch TV, so I just check the news online on Japanese websites and other news websites.
There are some serious stuff happening there...really scary.

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177304.12 in reply to 177304.10
Date: 3/21/2011 12:31:31 PM
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i have seen in the news and read in the papers that the reactor core temp is going out of control...and it couldnt b controlled with water either......
now the latest news say that radioactive dust and particulates have entered the water and food supplies and now i am damn sure that if these news are right then we will definately see another chrenobyl and real scary chronic deseases which can last for atleast 50 years........
i hope japan recovers from this disaster.......

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177304.13 in reply to 177304.12
Date: 3/21/2011 12:53:50 PM
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Yeah it's been reported that some vegetables have about 6 times as much radioactive on it. But they said it won't affect the health, so as of now, there's not much problem.
Hopefully it won't be as had at Chrenobyl...cuz otherwise Japan will suffer ages from this. Earthquake and tsunami caused enough problems, killing more than 8000 people already. We don't want any more troubles.