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BB USA > Salisbury's Team?

Salisbury's Team?

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From: Dawson

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194602.6 in reply to 194602.5
Date: 8/20/2011 2:37:50 PM
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A type of steak

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194602.7 in reply to 194602.6
Date: 8/21/2011 8:14:34 PM
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GO TO HELL!!!!!11

From: Calum

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194602.8 in reply to 194602.5
Date: 8/22/2011 12:20:35 AM
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It's actually a town in England. The town in question here though is an imitation town in the US named as such by a unoriginal yet patriotic expansionist. Maybe those traits have been maintained within its current populace.

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194602.9 in reply to 194602.8
Date: 8/24/2011 1:45:33 AM
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Tough question Edju but I believe I have an answer

The Salisbury Auerbachs are based in Massachusetts, which alone makes them an awful franchise that probably will piss fans off so much to a point that the front office will throw buckets of $$$ at players to theoretically buy a championship. And then have the balls to call it a legit one. They just don't get that no one cares if they win a championship. If I spend $1,000,000 on each participant in the Kentucky Derby, no one gives a damn if I win. However if I spend 1,000,000 on one horse, and win, than people actually care. You see same logic.

Most Massachusetts natives like the Red Sox, or Pats, which can only mean that they are all idiots, and probably think Woody Paige is a good journalist. Which makes me question there food. It can't possibly be healthy to consume but no one questions anything, since Massachusian's are usually annoying and no one cares for them much. That's probably not the point, if there is one. You know come to think of it typing "Salisbury" into Wikipedia gives you no suggestions for "Salisbury MA" just "Salisbury NC", "Salisbury MD", "Salisbury Connecticut", and "Salisbury Rhodesia" which I believe only proves my point that the MA Salisburites have probably pissed even the all mighty wiki gods off(I am not worthy), which can't be good for proving the Salisbury Auerbachs as Salisbury's team. And who even gives them self the brand of being a city's team. The Cowboy's branded themselves America's team and no one likes them. Really no one. I mean fine try to be "Salisbury's team" but good luck getting your season ticket holders above 5. Now Edju you lose out on the title since you want the title. Really I can stop there but I don't like you. It's nothing personal at all but if you haven't found out by now that I hate everything Massachusetts than I seriously recommend a doctor. Massage therapist's are good. I know a great one as a matter of fact. He plays Disney Songs while he works on trying to make you less Massachuestsy. Don't worry it can be cured.

Going with my dear friend moflaffles 4 finalist, who totally agrees with everything written above, you have to clearly crown Salisbury North as "Salisbury's team". Honestly who hates the Aussies? I can't think of a single guy(girl) who don't love their accents, and hospitality. America sorry we failed. If we want to not be looked at condescendingly by Europeans, we have to become Australians. Seriously no one hates them. Actually the Aussie's are so modest they would probably actually deny the narcissistic title "Salisbury's team"

So after all that Edju, you are "Salisbury's team. I hope you enjoy your title knowing very well that you got it by default. However it's not my place to judge. Never my place to judge. It's just flat out rude.

Last edited by oriolekid at 8/24/2011 1:46:04 AM

From: Panic

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194602.10 in reply to 194602.9
Date: 8/24/2011 9:45:56 AM
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But I thought Woody Paige was a good journalist.