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What to train next

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195097.6 in reply to 195097.5
Date: 8/26/2011 8:39:13 PM
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You seem to wan him to be a sg or combo guard we I want him to be more of a true point guard so I'll go with the Jr training after passing but to about strong meaning js will be sensational and then train passing and Od again

Australia NT coach. Join offsite forum for all things Australian
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195097.7 in reply to 195097.6
Date: 8/26/2011 8:45:25 PM
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Yeah. I would definetly tain Od to 15 or even 16. This will increase his value a lot. I was thinking about a combo gaurd. Because after his JS is at 16, and his od is higher, he will be closer to capping. Then I would just train passing for a long time until he gets to like profalic if possible. and also do 1v1 for forwards. This will get him driving without too much JR, and skills that will make him cap quickly.

From: Orko27

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195097.8 in reply to 195097.1
Date: 8/26/2011 11:13:06 PM
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You say you want him to be more of a pure PG, but it helps a lot if your PG can score. I'd do something like:

Passing -> 12
Jump Range -> 9-10
Jump Shot -> 13
DR/HA ->12-13
OD -> 15-16
PA -> 15+

That order should take the best advantage of the elastic effect, but is subordinate to team needs, if you find yourself in need of a little more of something specific.

That would be 18-22 pops, and would take until some time in his 22 yo season. It would also place him somewhere around the middle of his capping range, so he'd be pretty close to a finished product.

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195097.9 in reply to 195097.1
Date: 8/27/2011 2:27:52 AM
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whats his potential?

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195097.10 in reply to 195097.9
Date: 8/27/2011 12:45:20 PM
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perrenial allstar

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195097.12 in reply to 195097.11
Date: 8/27/2011 6:29:14 PM
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My bad. typo. I meant prolific (level 11)

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195097.13 in reply to 195097.12
Date: 8/27/2011 6:40:21 PM
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My bad. typo. I meant prolific (level 11)

I prefer profalic. Reminds of a similar word, which my wife uses to prevent the little people from invading our home.

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195097.16 in reply to 195097.8
Date: 9/3/2011 5:48:41 AM
The Black Roses
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You say you want him to be more of a pure PG, but it helps a lot if your PG can score. I'd do something like:

Passing -> 12
Jump Range -> 9-10
Jump Shot -> 13
DR/HA ->12-13
OD -> 15-16
PA -> 15+

That order should take the best advantage of the elastic effect, but is subordinate to team needs, if you find yourself in need of a little more of something specific.

That would be 18-22 pops, and would take until some time in his 22 yo season. It would also place him somewhere around the middle of his capping range, so he'd be pretty close to a finished product.

If he is not capped long before that I wil be very surprised.....16 OD and 15+ PA - well let's say his potential will not accomodate them so easy
