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Bots bots bots

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From: LA-Niko

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1961.6 in reply to 1961.5
Date: 10/17/2007 8:00:44 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
in regards to the question about training. I am pretty sure bots train form and no other skills. Which means they only keep their practice this week as high as they can.

So the younger theirs players are does not make the team better.

Creator of ( and ( -- Ex GM of Australia -- Division 1 winner of Italy Season 1 then moved team to Australia after the country was created by the BBs. Australian team manager for 2 seasons. Won various tournaments and division 1 titles in the following seasons.
From: dhoff

This Post:
1961.7 in reply to 1961.6
Date: 10/17/2007 8:59:42 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
When I mentioned that they were youngish, I meant that as opposed to being old, like the players on many bot teams in HT are. (Of course, the bot teams I've played in HT have been around a long time, so the players just sit there and age.)

I have assumed that the players on bot teams weren't training up any skills.