Scouting wise, for the 18yo right now I could take some of that amd we have had a few managers whether it be here or on the offsite forum say that they would help with the scouting. So after I got the 18yo out of the way id probably be looking for people to take scouting positions, like a scout roster. Some to watch the 18 yo, 19 yo etc. And then try and keep in close contact with the managers of some of the top prospects. Maybe assign some scouts to a couple of players and almost be a mentor to them if they are newer.
Communitiy is a little more difficult. I think we have a decent enough amount of activity from the naismith and div II teams. My div III project would be something that I hope would get some of the div III managers at least onto the BB Canada thread. Creating contests, games etc. Is another idea that I have. The community involvement with the U21 and NT to be honest is abismal and will be one of the biggest issues to tackle for the next U21 manager.