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Ok, what the hell hapenned here?!?!?

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209258.6 in reply to 209258.4
Date: 2/7/2012 3:21:27 PM
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Well, I started the play-by-play and he shows up in the lineup for a "split second" and goes to the bench before the clock starts. Really weird.

I had the coach orders set to "strictly follow formation" (not sure if this is the correct in english, I have it in Portuguese).
I always check my lineups thoroughly, especially at weekends, when I have more time. ;)

Even if he started on the bench, there were many substitutions, so he should have been picked for more than a minute.

From: Eagle

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209258.7 in reply to 209258.1
Date: 2/7/2012 5:23:42 PM
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I just checked the game three times and in all three P.Sunesson was on the bench from the very beginning. (didnt get mentioned) So apparently you were too worried and unfortunately made a mistake there.
And since the game was close, he didnt get much playtime.

I am sorry...I know that sucks

Last edited by Eagle at 2/7/2012 5:28:09 PM

From: BernieBoy

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209258.8 in reply to 209258.7
Date: 2/8/2012 10:37:44 AM
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Yeah, I've checked it twice myself...

No idea what happened, since I didn't even change anything from the power-forward/center defaults, but it's most certainly my fault.

Maybe next season... ;(