(65828766) We score leaving 2 seconds on the clock. (I'm thinking,"okay overtime") Do they jack up a 3, take a long jumper, etc...no they get an easy inside shot to win with a "buzzerbeater". A time out to advance the ball would be realistic and then okay bad defense results in an easy inside shot. But this is ridiculous and a common occurrence.
The first game is explainable.
I'm assuming this game is based on NBA rules, if that is the case, then see Section V b. (2) on
(http://www.nba.com/analysis/rules_5.html?nav=ArticleList), which states: "The timing devices shall be stopped: During the last two minutes of regulation play and/or overtime(s) following a successful field goal attempt."
So, the clock was stopped with 2 seconds left, the ball was heaved down court and someone made an inside shot. Similar to this:
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3_IT622Sbc)It says the shot was guarded closely. That's pretty much all you can hope for. I wonder how Fred Gomez's inside offense
(28409484) compares to Polikarp Bialik's defense
(65828731) (I think this is the right game) With a significant lead, we're "forcing 3's every possession in the 4th (exaggeration) and then fouling too early. (The fouling I understand, but we're not a 3 point shooting team at all.)
I think you may have the wrong game on this one? Looks like you were 1-2 on three pointers taken when your team was in the lead in the 4th and 3-6 overall on three pointers in the 4th. For the game, your team was 8-20, a effective field goal percentage of 60%, from beyond the arc. That's a pretty respectable performance, the two point jump shots were more detrimental than the threes.