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Season 27

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256743.6 in reply to 256743.5
Date: 4/13/2014 2:26:35 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
All correct

For next Tuesday

marco DDreamland 132-41
Cam-Ki Iwoye 50-119
GTBoys emmy lees fc 134-37
lalalall eagle strikers 112-63
Panthère Enyimba 106-72
Ballers4Lyf Sparko G 129-50
African beasts Paulatina 76-85
adax red chains 124-61

Good luck.

This Post:
256743.7 in reply to 256743.6
Date: 4/17/2014 8:47:17 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
First wrong prediction... African beasts beated Paulatina...
Paulatina has a battle on it hands..

now for this Saturday

African beasts Panthère 35-124
adax Ballers4Lyf 76-99
Enyimba Paulatina 96-43
red chains Sparko G 101-53
Cam-Ki marco 36-129
GTBoys lalalall 123-41
emmy lees fc eagle strikers 76-78
DDreamland Iwoye 41-111

good luck this evening in the cup (it shouldn't be that difficult) and next Saturday

This Post:
256743.8 in reply to 256743.7
Date: 4/21/2014 4:45:16 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Big upset last Saturday with the defeat of GTboys

Prono for this Tuesday

Panthère adax 95-107
Ballers4Lyf African beasts 117-43
Sparko G Enyimba 61-103
Paulatina red chains 65-104
marco GTBoys 102-91
lalalall Cam-Ki 80-85
eagle strikers DDreamland 76-84
Iwoye emmy lees fc 116-51

This Post:
256743.9 in reply to 256743.8
Date: 4/25/2014 5:20:02 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Last game day 2 errors... one I hoped for... the second... well lalalall is stronger than exspected

Now the prono for tomorrow... some very interesting games in perspective...

Ballers4Lyf Panthère 86-105
Paulatina Sparko G 49-95
Enyimba red chains 102-86
adax African beasts 124-39
lalalall marco 56-112
GTBoys Cam-Ki 123-52
Iwoye eagle strikers 119-47
DDreamland emmy lees fc 85-92

This Post:
256743.10 in reply to 256743.9
Date: 4/27/2014 3:58:15 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
One game between bots wrongly predicted...

Now for Tuesday, the start of the interconference games and immediately the shock between the leaders... marco has the home advantage...

Enyimba DDreamland 96-43
Panthère marco 74-86
Ballers4Lyf lalalall 116-63
African beasts Cam-Ki 52-107
adax GTBoys 95-96
Sparko G eagle strikers 88-62
Paulatina Iwoye 32-121
red chains emmy lees fc 110-54

This Post:
256743.11 in reply to 256743.10
Date: 5/3/2014 7:36:59 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
The great 8 took to power... not only marco but also Gtboys lost at home against the topflight of the other conference...

now for this evening

lalalall Panthère 45-123
Cam-Ki Ballers4Lyf 35-132
eagle strikers adax 36-119
Iwoye Sparko G 112-65
emmy lees fc Paulatina 76-85
DDreamland red chains 45-99
marco Enyimba 110-61
GTBoys African beasts 121-34

This Post:
256743.12 in reply to 256743.11
Date: 5/4/2014 1:50:29 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
In the clash between G8 and B8 the standings are 11-5...

Now for next Tuesday

Panthère Cam-Ki 111-53
Ballers4Lyf GTBoys 99-76
African beasts eagle strikers 76-84
adax Iwoye 96-88
Sparko G emmy lees fc 97-51
Paulatina DDreamland 77-86
red chains marco 35-123
Enyimba lalalal 86-94

This Post:
256743.13 in reply to 256743.11
Date: 5/9/2014 8:05:20 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
For this evening

GTBoys Panthère 87-103
eagle strikers Ballers4Lyf 34-127
Iwoye African beasts 117-41
DDreamland Sparko G 41-102
marco Paulatina 107-32
lalalall red chains 89-86
Cam-Ki Enyimba 87-95
emmy lees fc adax 29-129

This Post:
256743.14 in reply to 256743.13
Date: 5/11/2014 2:18:03 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Paulatina lalalall 56-94
Panthère eagle strikers 119-27
Ballers4Lyf Iwoye 101-94
African beasts emmy lees fc 77-79
adax DDreamland 134-32
Sparko G marco 56-133
red chains Cam-Ki 97-78
Enyimba GTBoys 66-107

This Post:
256743.15 in reply to 256743.14
Date: 5/23/2014 1:47:33 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
After a week of cup games (with a second cup title for me - and the number one spot on the Nigeria ranking) and the all-star game (the great 8 were too strong)... the league is picking up again this Saturday.

Last week I didn't have the time to make the prediction but for this weekend here are my predictions

Sparko G Cam-Ki 78-95
red chains eagle strikers 99-61
Panthère emmy lees fc 124-35
Ballers4Lyf DDreamland 131-31
African beasts marco 26-136
adax lalalall 120-60
Paulatina GTBoys 41-119
Enyimba Iwoye 65-111

Good luck to everybody!!!

This Post:
256743.16 in reply to 256743.15
Date: 5/25/2014 2:58:24 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
There was a spectacular upset last Saturday, Enyimba beated Iwoye!!!

Great 8 really takes the power.

Now for Tuesday

DDreamland Panthère 45-124
lalalall African beasts 96-54
Cam-Ki adax 52-123
GTBoys Sparko G 115-34
eagle strikers Paulatina 76-79
Iwoye red chains 103-75
emmy lees fc Enyimba 39-106
marco Ballers4Lyf 89-105

good luck to everybody
