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BB USA > So who are the corporate suits who fill your luxury boxes??

So who are the corporate suits who fill your luxury boxes??

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275585.6 in reply to 275585.4
Date: 12/2/2015 9:40:11 PM
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concept of satire
you mean sarcasim? I took English Iv Honors in highschool.

Heading on the right path so far. Are you?
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275585.7 in reply to 275585.6
Date: 12/2/2015 10:11:24 PM
Greensboro Generals
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There is a thing called spell check, pretty standard feature. English IV my ass.

the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

the use of irony to mock or convey contempt

Of course taking English IV makes you a regular William Styron. Not like your coaching acumen reminds anyone of Everette Case or Vic Bubas. Maybe a Matt Dorherty.

This Post:
275585.8 in reply to 275585.7
Date: 12/2/2015 10:43:36 PM
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What's wrong with you? not making any profit off of matresses?!?! Don't take it out on me I haven't done nothing to you.

English IV my ass.

I did take English Iv honors though. But I have move on from highschool and am looking towards the future and am interested in meeting new people and new relationships through facebook or anything.

[Matt Dorherty.

I remember calling Matt when Jeff Lebo was hired at ECU I also told him there was a SMU job open at the time. I was very disappointed at that time that we hired Jeff Lebo we really needed to hire Matt Dorherty plus it doesn't help that Jeff Lebo daughter is one of my exes.

Last edited by CoachWard95 at 12/2/2015 10:44:48 PM

Heading on the right path so far. Are you?
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275585.11 in reply to 275585.8
Date: 12/2/2015 11:24:47 PM
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Yeah, speaking off of my years of experience as a paraprofessional, substitute teacher, Juvenile Corrections officer, substitute teacher at the Juvenile Corrections, security at a HS, Math tutor, as well as my college degrees in Psych. and Soc. (the other degree is irrelevant for this)...

I can tell you, and tell ALL OF YOU, that he probably was in English honors IV... That said, I finished HS in the early 2000s, If I were to compare English honors IV now, to then, I'd say it's equivalent to Sophomore year English, when you're forced to learn poetry, but you think to yourself "Thank god we don't have to read the Odyssey for a 3rd year in a row".

The overall general standard of education has dropped (thank you No child left behind), as we are continually lowering the bar, to teach to the lowest common denominator, rather than teach to somewhere just above the median, forcing people to keep up or get held back. meanwhile, with 0 challenge for the top tier students, they stagnate as they don't grow, as they have nothing to challenge themselves unless they CHALLENGE THEMSELVES THEMSELVES.

It's a vicious cycle, but if I had to summarize our education system and how its going.... I'd say the Satire of "Idiocracy" is an actual prediction of the future (Like Back to the Future, but about societal issues, not the cubs failing, and hover-boards and shoes and 3D movies)

Last edited by EightPackKilla at 12/2/2015 11:25:39 PM

This Post:
275585.12 in reply to 275585.11
Date: 12/2/2015 11:59:09 PM
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This is awesome.

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275585.13 in reply to 275585.1
Date: 12/3/2015 2:22:57 AM
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Second Team:
Upsyndrome II
Is it safe to assume that you and DukeW are no longer best buds?

"You will lose." -Ivan Drago
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275585.14 in reply to 275585.13
Date: 12/3/2015 10:37:40 AM
Greensboro Generals
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Oh gawd another thread hijacked for hijinx. No I don't think that Ward will have me on his Christmas card list. Seems he got a little touchy, one must have thick skin out on the net, his is about the texture of origami.

Back to the topic, I know some of you snarky mothers have some ideas worth a chuckle or a rimshot.

This message bought to you by Super Seal, 'don't want your wife to have a fit, don't lose your shit....SUPER SEAL (sold at fine retailers)

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 12/3/2015 10:41:00 AM

This Post:
275585.15 in reply to 275585.14
Date: 12/3/2015 2:59:43 PM
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Second Team:
Upsyndrome II
Oh gawd another thread hijacked for hijinx. No I don't think that Ward will have me on his Christmas card list. Seems he got a little touchy, one must have thick skin out on the net, his is about the texture of origami.

coachlambini, eat a snickers!

"You will lose." -Ivan Drago
From: Neway
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275585.16 in reply to 275585.15
Date: 12/3/2015 6:21:06 PM
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I'm assuming businessmen are wearing these corporate suits?
