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Cup/tournament bug? (thread closed)

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287485.6 in reply to 287485.4
Date: 6/21/2017 7:01:01 PM
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I'll try to make it as simple as possible, since you seem to have some issue understanding what's being written

Sorry mate but would you like to play the first round of cup against a team from your category??
Yes he clearly made the point that the random draws made the cup interesting. Both me and, I believe, Bergkamp have played D1 vs D1 games in the first round in the past.

I said specifically about the cup that the draw is normal because usually the first games are against bots
And I said specifically that you are wrong, because the draw is random. Some bots are selected to round the numbers but the draw is random and you can get bot vs bot and D1 team v D1 team. So no, the first games are not usually against bots, they are usually random, you might get a bot or you might get a human.

First page of round 1 in the English S32 cup:
You had this game: (85768167) and this game (85768168) one after another...

What do you mean its not random? from your side 3 teams left 3 teams came...Whats the problem? Can you explain it?
In S39 every single human team is playing a bot. There are also 0 human teams playing on the road in the first round, that applies to England, Utopia, US, Italy...the probability of no human match-up and no human playing on the road in every single national cup is astronomically low.

Here you want to say that the cup draw is not fair but also you said it isnt random...Make a decision
nobody is complaining about the cup being unfair. If you could understand English, you'd realise I just said that the guys who took over from a bot in Utopia after the draw was made are unlucky, because they all end up with a human match up (in the example I gave a D1 team of all people), playing on the road, while everyone else is playing a bot at home

Last edited by Lemonshine at 6/21/2017 7:05:02 PM

This Post:
287485.7 in reply to 287485.5
Date: 6/21/2017 7:06:43 PM
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Now this season everyone is facing bots in the first round. This is probably because of a new feature that secures that bot teams are eliminated as fast as possible by making sure that bots only face humans (not 'bot vs bot' games).

I dont know how he concluded that but our cup is full bot vs bot and also bot vs human
If they would change something we will know it but i dont see any difference

This Post:
287485.8 in reply to 287485.7
Date: 6/21/2017 7:11:30 PM
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Of course there will be bot vs bot games as long as the number of bot teams in the cup is bigger than the number of human teams. BUT as soon as the human teams outnumber the bot teams you will no longer see bot vs bot games.

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287485.9 in reply to 287485.7
Date: 6/21/2017 7:17:37 PM
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i dont see any difference
The logical conclusion is that you are blind:
Greece s38: round 1...
Can you see the human vs human match-ups (ranked team vs ranked team)? Do you see human teams playing on the road?

Now, Greece s39: round 1... Can you see no human vs human match-ups? Can you see every single human team playing at home against a bot?

This Post:
287485.10 in reply to 287485.9
Date: 6/21/2017 7:27:58 PM
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So what if the first pages are bot vs human? ..did you see from the middle and after? all bot vs bot
The only difference i see that in s38 are mixed the pages and in s39 in a row
Maybe yes something they changed but learn to make a dialogue

PS Be quite carefully in your expressions!!!

Last edited by don_AnToNio at 6/21/2017 7:35:16 PM

This Post:
287485.11 in reply to 287485.10
Date: 6/21/2017 7:33:20 PM
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It's ok if you want to argue this is not a bug and show us why, but I think what you are doing is this:
Arguments for the sake of arguing and long meaningless discussions, non-related or over a staff decision or action are not allowed in this forum.

It is blatantly obvious this season's draw is different from every previous one. If it's intended, it will be explained in the News post, if it's unintended then it's a Bug. If it's not a bug and it's unintended then we have just witnessed a miracle, an event with a 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of happening.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 6/21/2017 7:38:59 PM

This Post:
287485.13 in reply to 287485.11
Date: 6/22/2017 9:15:18 AM
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First of all MR GENIUS these 2 sentences werent necessary
since you seem to have some issue understanding what's being written

The logical conclusion is that you are blind

You desrespect the person that you make a conversation although he has different opinion and maybe he is wrong somehow

Secondly Berqkamp said
If the human teams avoiding each other is a change btw, it's horrible. The point of a cup if the randomness of it...

My answer was:If he would prefer to play against a team from his catergory.If they changed something (as i learned after,it was finally done) its not hοrrible and i explained it by asking this question.That was my whole point!

Thirdly after our conversation the only mistake that i did,i said
i dont see any difference
....instead of that i had to say ''YES they changed something but i dont see big difference''Because for the most it isnt big difference as they will continue to play against bots at the first 1-2 rounds like before!!And this is my opinion


PM.Noone wanted to argue with you and learn to behave
It is the last message from me about this dialogue

Last edited by don_AnToNio at 6/22/2017 9:37:23 AM