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Arena attendance

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296174.7 in reply to 296174.6
Date: 3/12/2019 8:44:13 PM
Tampines Fusion
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I've raised and dropped prices by a small margin to try to find the sweet spot and there hasn't been much drastic drops to the attendance/revenue. There were drops occasionally when I reduced the price but were within my expected values, and in some cases I even earned more despite the drop in attendance.

But I do agree, revenue is the way to go. Although I also seem to find quite a relationship between them: cheaper seats (but not too cheap) in a sellout stadium is more than expensive seats with it only half filled.

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296174.8 in reply to 296174.6
Date: 3/12/2019 8:48:03 PM
Greensboro Generals
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The fans are fickle. Often I notice it is the quality of opponent that determines the attendance. Case inpoint, a week ago I played the #1 team from the other side, almost sold out. Then the next home date for a decent looking cup opponent it went down 25%. Also merch can be real suspect to change, was drawing about 42-44k every week, but that went down 10k each of the last two weeks. I think it has to do with being stuck perpetually in about 6th place for three sasons in a really tough conference.

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296174.9 in reply to 296174.8
Date: 3/12/2019 9:04:09 PM
Tampines Fusion
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Opponent's game record should be a factor as well I guess? I beat the #1 team in the next conference last night and had about as much attendance as the #5 team in my conference, both of them have the same record (tho it's assuming the #5 team stayed in that position when we played each other).

But funnily enough when I was playing against a 0 win table bottom opponent in my last home game (cross conference game) I actually raked in much higher attendance than in my last game (against the #1 seed in the next conference), and that was right after I lost a tight cup match two days ago. Could the effect of the loss only affected me after the next economy update?

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296174.10 in reply to 296174.9
Date: 3/15/2019 7:18:00 AM
SOA Butchers
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Second Team:
SOA baby butchers
I guess I have a different point of view. For a winning team, the opponent strength shouldn't be a factor, when the warriors play at home they sold out for every single game, whoever the opponent is.
At the other side of the scale, I do understand that a suns - warriors get a much higher attendance than a suns - Cavs...

As a matter of fact when you're winning there shouldn't be a +/- 20% attendance, that's not fair and not understandable.

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296174.11 in reply to 296174.10
Date: 3/16/2019 7:08:20 AM
Tampines Fusion
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Well sadly that seems to have happened to me, tho not 20%.

I had 14k attendance against a table bottom dweller with no wins, and the next game against the top team of that conference I only had 13k.