BuzzerBeater Forums

Suggestions > Empty the bench during garbage time

Empty the bench during garbage time

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318196.7 in reply to 318196.6
Date: 3/29/2023 7:50:07 PM
Tampines Fusion
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Oh damn, that's news, albeit good news. They should bring it to the suggestion forums. Everyone here talks like the winning team shouldn't have the big win they deserve and that the handicap given by garbage time is an entitlement.

Then again, it should solve the problem if it's optional. If someone sucks at team management so bad that they need garbage time to keep the minutes in check, they can even have it in blowout losses. For those who don't like garbage time messing with their PD and player stats, they can choose not to sub out their players.

In such a scenario, if people still complain about PD because they aren't getting the handicap they feel entitled to: if they were the one who chose to sub out their starters, they only got themselves to blame. If they chose to keep their starters in, and are pissed that their opponents didn't play subs against them, maybe it's time to wake up and see what's wrong with their own team than pointing fingers.