BuzzerBeater Forums

Suggestions > picture of the arena

picture of the arena

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From: Ozzy

This Post:
37095.6 in reply to 37095.1
Date: 7/25/2008 4:25:52 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I like your Idea too! :)

And not just arena picture... I think that the best add would be option to select your jersey (but not just for supporter players!!!). There could be a few ordinary models, and just option to chose colors, and text. :)

From: Iordanou

To: Ozzy
This Post:
37095.7 in reply to 37095.6
Date: 7/26/2008 5:19:30 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
I think that there could be a teams which will set there a picture of ladies boobs or anything else non-stadium picture, so these teams would be banned from that option by GMs

Last edited by Iordanou at 7/26/2008 5:19:51 AM