I've listened some rumors regarding a big bug in the season 1 or 2... With that bug some teams had let me say 6k fan basis instead of 2/3k, of course we can't compete with them in any way, they will have forever better incomes than us, that's the first point. The second one is still related to the DT that now seems finished but that was limited with a delay so you can still see teams with 9$ millions cash. When they will decide to buy a player 4/6 millions aren't a big problem. Third I've to quote Burns and Dr cause in a competitive regular season you don't have money to invest in arena cause you've to pay high salaries to your players if you don't want to play in second division next season. No matter if Canada, Nigeria or other countries everyone knows where there are teams making profit and where you've to care to keep the break even point.
1990-2022 Stalinorgel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV-Xppl6h8Et