I protest against my PR-Manager, but do not know where to turn my declamation.My team lost last match in the very last second (8650909) down one point. That can happen, but my fans did surely not act like what my PR-Manager found out in his survey. They are by all means able to see the excitement in a such a tight match against a team pushing their limits to the upper edge of what their capacity are like. Specially in a TV broadcasted match like this one. The match was played like this:" Your team effort for this game: NormalSaga Magic put more into this game than VIF."How can my fans act so negative after such an excited night?Help! I feel run over by my own crew but PR-Manager Knut Haave will not hear!
I started out in 4th place with the level 1 and got to first place after I hired the level 4.