Don't worry about the worms ;D
My point with Superfly Guy was that,being BB a simulation,it's normal that there are some unrealistic things in the game,but if they not affect the structure of the game giving advantages to someone,there is no need to change them.Training is unrealistic,but is the same for everyone,so while it's correct to ask some little change in his structure,a major change in it would have enormous effect in the game.There's a lack of "intellectual honesty" when we talk about the unrealistic things of the game only when they could potetntially go against our own interest
Going OT,I can say you that Brazil has a greater population than England,and a nearly similar interest in (european) football,so it would be normal that Brazil has more attendence than England.But the difference is that English Football has an higher competitivity level of Brazilian football(which is however great),so it's more attrcative for the rest of the world,and Premiership is the richer football league in the world.As in BB the major parte of the attendence come from the palace,higher is the competitivity,higher should be the incomes.It's not a relation:
Bigger=Richer but More competitive=Richer
At the time bigger means more competitive,that's the point,when a small country will have the first division at the level of the NBBA,the incomes should be similar