For whom it may concern, and simply for your information.
You may also want to search Utopia league for players of your country.
in the NT Scout folder you can see countries.txt and countryinfo.txt
you should add a new line in countries.txt with "Utopia" written on it.
Afterwards, in countryinfo.txt you should add a new line with
99, Utopia, 4
Probably smarter ppl than me figured this out a lot sooner, but for those who didn't this is for you.
Thank you again for developping this amazing program
I saw after posting that you said something about this, however u did not mention anything about the part with "99, Utopia, 4". I have no idea if or how it is important
sorry for doubling what u said.
Last edited by Boston Celts at 9/21/2014 5:56:19 AM