beavers, swafford, simons, underwood, mcallister, gresham, rollins, lovelace… you're fired!
Some of those players are now cut, but you'd get rid of who is by far our best PG? That's, uh, an interesting concept.
In fact, half of those players will definitely not be part of the next qualifying campaign (provided I'm elected, of course).
grubbs in only if he multiskills to the forward position, same for trujillo.
harrell sounds promising, I guess he's in. I've got my eyes on three big men (faust, marcum and truong), who're the most promising ones I saw so far — but it was just a cursory glance, as I don't have access to any kind of skills database yet.
Grubbs is one of the most complete players we have, but Trujillo probably doesn't get added right away, since his training is being transitioned to outside skills.
Faust and Marcum? Good choices. Truong is a monoskilled behemoth.
I mean, our database of tracked players numbers almost 150 (may even top that now, I don't have the sheet open). Knowing what we do now, we're going to formulate the roster differently than last time - we now know what we need to do.
as far as the world cup roster goes, some of these selections were questionable, like (for instance) grubbs. some other selections are just… wrong. underwood is not a NT level player, and the same goes for lovelace, rollins… this team has not made it out of the first round, let's not forget that — and deservedly so. they got routinely kicked on the boards, they weren't able to get it going on defense, and roster selection does have something to do with it, no?
Grubbs was definitely one of our top inside choices for the Worlds - he wasn't #1, but he was a clear choice. We were really week as a nation at PG when Season 4 started, and Underwood was the 2nd best that we had. Lovelace should have been a premier small forward, but his trainer inexplicably stopped training him after stating he was going to do so, with no explanation. Rollins is STILL one of our best, including one of our best outside defenders. You know that salary isn't THE determining factor, right?
We lost to Nigeria by 8 points while making poor tactical choices. In fact, had we played 2-3 Zone, I bet we could have won while still playing Normal.
you see, collecting data is nice and all, but what's it good for if in a "win or go home" game you hand the starting job to the likes of beavers, swafford and simons — and then blame your loss to the choice of playing normal?
You hand the starting job to the best players - and those were the best players at that time. It's been almost 7 weeks since that game - half a season. You don't think things may have changed just a bit since then?
now, let me point you to this fun fact. five days after the us nt was kicked out of the world cup by nigeria (1081), my club team (normal, man to man) posted these ratings: (3975703). my frontcourt? george edmonds and stacey cash. americans.
What was your enthusiasm? Did you Normal? If we had high enthusiasm, we certainly could have touched that kind of rating. As far as Edmonds and Cash go, they weren't as good as the players we had - this is just a fact.
[ have fun, elections are made for this. no cheap shots, but criticism and debate are at the core of the democratic process — that is, when your prime minister doesn't own all the private tv networks.
I want to know where the rest of the guys who registered are - last I saw, there were 11 candidates, and we're the only two that apparently care.
NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live