None is saying that, its great a game. Its the BB marin listening to the wrong people going the wrong way. This games should not be a training /trader games with taxes everywhere.. ,But a tactical managers game. If the manager cant understand iso and many tactic and it been out atleast 9 years. That does not make sense.
Any fool telling to restrict buying in the low leagues and add a tax all over the place and say it about training over all. is not your friends. This game was a beautiful things and still is some what.,BB market was not in shables like it is today.. I created my 2nd team around season 16-17 in my return.
You could buy who ever the hell you wanted too ,before then with my 1st team the same rules applied. Now they want restriction, added some training tax. all this unnessary bull. In my mind BB marin or whomever need too cut these guys off, they are the one's killing his profits and his game..
Fix the market before it too damn late, take on Li dominance or find a balance so the other tactics can be cost effective and work same as LI.. Im not saying its a easy fix but BB marnin need to tell these training over all clowns to shut the hell up for once. They are biggest flippers on the game.
this is a tactical game and alot just building 1-2 tactics and getting rich. Think about for this for minute .A outside shooting tactical player is very expensive. Think about the money in the market that could be made and the boost it can give to the bb market .. It too expensive to afford or yet build. BBMarin need to take his game back to it roots. "Tactics"
A app is good start to that.
Last edited by Mr. Glass at 3/27/2015 8:55:07 PM