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Farm teams

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From: tough

This Post:
220123.63 in reply to 220123.61
Date: 6/17/2012 12:53:20 PM
Mountain Eagles
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Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
1 time this season, I got a steal. Val Delong, I got him for 50k, and was a American, with Superstar potential! I guess no american was online nor anyone else wanted him.....

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
From: jfarb
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220123.64 in reply to 220123.60
Date: 6/17/2012 1:21:19 PM
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Most of USA's players are in the top leagues because our D1 managers realized the merchandise bonus is worth it. Our salary monster players tend to bounce around from team to team and I wouldn't be suprised if they were retired at some point because our community isn't going to ask anyone to save them or to be a farm team. Farm teams aren't illegal, when I was NT manager I kinda wished we had some, but it is rare that anyone volunteers to sacrifice their team completely in that way.

Only problem with farm teams is if it is a multi-team situation, which is illegal. I remember one of the BBs shutdown a 80 farm team ring in a country one time. That time it was obvious and easy to prove, most times it is not.

Anyway, I assume most countries just find volunteers who are willing to help out, and I don't blame them. You look around and you can see that some of the top teams are missing their "best" players due to constant GS problems. Having those salary monsters in good GS could be the difference between success in the Worlds or failure, so some countries have solved the problem with farm teams.

From: lamchops

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220123.65 in reply to 220123.64
Date: 6/17/2012 2:05:04 PM
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To add to that, many D I and II teams in the US feel a sense of duty (at least that's what I've gathered), which encourages them to buy a player that may not necessarily be the best for their team, but they do it to help the NT. And we have the freedom isn't free thread jfarb started. Plus, our offsite community tries pretty hard to buy players and keep them in the US to ensure good Game Shape, so that helps too.

From: Flamen
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220123.67 in reply to 220123.66
Date: 6/18/2012 12:11:58 PM
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What we cannot allow is manager who like training better than competing get affected.

I have read forcing players to sell or limiting NT players to top divisions.

(10687966) is arguably one of the best small forwards of the game, the manager bought it when he was 19 years old and has trained him since, he comes in chats, has fun seing his player grow. And we are going to deny that?

I have a sustainable 281k roster in III league. If I choose to compete with a 250k player and 5 more 10k players for rotation, am I a farm team? In my league last season the winner had a 420k roster, he could have easily sustained a NT player.

This Post:
220123.68 in reply to 220123.67
Date: 6/18/2012 4:33:14 PM
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I agree completely. What we need to do is abolish the nt.

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.
This Post:
220123.69 in reply to 220123.68
Date: 6/18/2012 4:49:02 PM
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I agree completely. What we need to do is abolish the nt.

that is just not facing the problem. Love the NT, big fan of NT competition.

This Post:
220123.70 in reply to 220123.68
Date: 6/18/2012 4:53:16 PM
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If you don't like NTs, why do you care about farm teams? Do you compete with them?

There are lots of players out there who care for their NT and wish to train a player for the NT. So why do you want to take away their fun? There are some cheaters out there. If you want to do something against them: go, hunt them.

I trained some U21/NT-players from scratch and it's a lot of fun. Never been a farm team, though.

This game is not like Hattrick, where you just can't afford to keep an NT-player and definitely need farm teams. Just look around some BB-I. leagues and you will see dozens of NT-players. That's because they can afford these players and get some financial (merchandise) benefits.

This Post:
220123.71 in reply to 220123.70
Date: 6/18/2012 9:17:24 PM
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1. More qualified players than spots available = popularity contest = ripe for corruption
2. Farm teams = high incidence of multi-team cheating, according to Wolph
3. Player GS sabotage = bogus

It seems to me that a large part of the cheating in this game surrounds the NT. I love the NT competition I was Thailand's coach for 14 seasons and am now the u21 coach. I think eliminating NTs would go a long way to wiping out farm teams, which is what this thread is supposed to be about. Why would anyone run a farm team if there were no reason to harvest?

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.
This Post:
220123.72 in reply to 220123.71
Date: 6/18/2012 9:59:19 PM
Mountain Eagles
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
And that would eliminate 5+mil dollar sells.


Last edited by tough at 6/18/2012 9:59:51 PM

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!