Good evening.
I have a few questions that I'm hoping the BB's could touch on and provide insight to.
1. Is there a difference in training effectiveness between a Basic, Competent, Advanced, ..., etc trainer when training Free Throws, Stamina, or Game Shape?
2. Is there a difference, even marginally, between getting a player 49 mins training and getting him, lets say, 60 mins of training. The reason I ask is because I notice that the training frame on our Manage My Team screen will rank players, regardless of age, by minutes played at the position. 48+ isn't equal. If one player played 56 mins at PG in a Passing training regimen, he will be ranked higher on the list with a 48+ label than the player with 49 minutes of training also with a 48+ label.
3. Is the skill level increase from a 1 (Atrocious) to a 2 (Pitiful) in a skill like Passing any different than an increase from an 19 (Colossal) to a 20 (Legendary) in the same skill (Passing)? In other words, is the skill increase from level to level linear, or is it curved (like a logarithmic curve or something to that effect)?
4. Is there a stronger home court advantage during the playoffs when compared to during a regular season game?
5. Will specialties on Staff Members be more effective the higher skill level they are? For example, will an Advanced Crowd Involvement PR-Manager do more for your home court advantage than a Basic Crowd Involvement PR-Manager would?
6. Is it impossible to max out a Hall of Fame draft pick if drafted at 19 years old, given that they have starting total skill points in the 50's or lower? If so, why even create them? It gives false hope to the manager and could potentially waste A LOT of time.
I hope that these questions can, at the minimum, be touched on.
Last edited by EEDSON at 5/7/2015 12:21:35 AM