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Suggestions > [Official] Auto Bid System [Official]

[Official] Auto Bid System [Official]

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318174.63 in reply to 318174.1
Date: 2/14/2023 4:06:44 PM
Florida Champs
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Great Lakes Spartans
Incredibly against this. Part of what makes the game fun is getting a bargain on a guy because someone didn’t login to start a bidding war. This takes out a lot of the fun, and will cause a pretty sizable price increase for a lot of middle tier players imo. It sounds good in practice, but ultimately makes the market much more efficient which makes it much harder to get a steal or have fun with the auction. I’ve lost countless auctions because I’ve forgotten to log in and I’ve always been against this.

I just think this leaves lasting impacts on the economy and makes it even more challenging to get a player you really want through the TL.

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318174.64 in reply to 318174.63
Date: 2/14/2023 4:38:03 PM
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Goblin Juice
One thing that seems apparent after reading most of the responses. The people saying NO might be outvoted right now but they are certainly more passionate about their position.

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318174.65 in reply to 318174.1
Date: 2/14/2023 4:58:18 PM
Caciques de Trujillo
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Hello Alonso, I like this motion, it's like it's done in the game Hattrick, but I'd like you to add this:

1- Only 1 automatic bid for non-supporter.
2- Unlimited automatic bids for supporters and/or not 5-10 maximum, for this type of users. You have to give certain benefits to the paying users.
3- Improve the comparison of transfers, because, perhaps there may be people who will profit endemic for this. Thinking that maybe people place maximum bids above the comparator. This point isn't so necessary, but it's like an idea of what might happen in the future, don't you know?

Off topic, please alonso can you go to NT Coach thread and read something you post to help us with that request? It won't take long.

Greetings and thank you.


Hola Alonso, me gusta esta moción, es como se hace en el juego Hattrick, pero me gustaría que agregan esto:

1- Solo 1 Puja automatica para no supporter.
2- Ilimitadas pujas automaticas para los supporter y/o no se 5-10 máximo, para este tipo de usuarios. Tienes que darle ciertos beneficios a los usuarios que pagan.
3- Mejoren el comparador de transferencias, porque, a lo mejor peuden haber gente que se vaya a lucrar endemasia por esto. Pensando en que quizas la gente coloque pujas máxima por encima del comparador. Este punto no es tan necesario, pero es como una idea de lo que quizas puede que pase a futuro, no se?

Off topic, por favor alonso puedes ir al hilo de NT Coach y leer algo que publique para que nos ayudes con esa solicitud? No les tomará mucho tiempo.

Saludos y gracias.

This Post:
318174.66 in reply to 318174.1
Date: 2/14/2023 5:06:57 PM
Cobra Kai
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Wu Tang Clan
I strongly disagree with the autobid probably for 9 out of 10 reasons mentioned above. Also as I am writing this post only 410 users ( give or take ) have voted which is 2,8% of the total users in the game . Imho it is not an adequate percentage no matter the result.

People were getting banned not so long ago for using autoclick programs, and now you propose it as a viable change?? We should be really really careful when it comes to the future of the game.

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318174.67 in reply to 318174.61
Date: 2/14/2023 5:07:41 PM
Archers of Loafcross
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I like the idea, but I don't think that it goes far enough. You guys are going to absolutely hate this post, but I would rather see a buy now price as opposed to a max bid. I hate waking up in the morning to see that I lost a player by one bid or a few thousand dollars.

For the rest of you concerned that rich teams will corner the market I would counter that the sim still has rules that govern your team's finances. You can't just employ 30 guys with million dollar salaries. You would still have to be able to manage your payroll.

This Post:
318174.68 in reply to 318174.65
Date: 2/14/2023 5:31:33 PM
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Your suggestion starts to lean towards pay to win in my opinion. If auto bid is implemented (which I hope it isn’t) it needs to be the same for everyone.

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(
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318174.69 in reply to 318174.43
Date: 2/14/2023 5:32:27 PM
Redblack Gypaetus
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you couldn´t have said it better,
I completely agree with you

I cannot believe so many people think this feature will create a disadvantage for poor teams in favor or richer teams

It doesn´t seem to me that this people care about the future of this game. To me, one of the first reasons for people to give up this kind of games is when yo feel the game is no fair. I mean, when the rules or the mechanisms of the games seems to favour a way of playing which doesn´t feel right for you. For example when you find a very nice game but the structure is pay to win.
One of the beautiful things about hattrick or buzzerbeater is that, there is no pay to win structures. However, the absence of mechanism like auto-bid create and enviroment which encourage players to spend a lot of times in order to get players.
In my opinion the game should reward players who make great strategies or great decisions, not players who are able to spend their life online
To me this feature would make this game much more fair, and would ease people who sometimes tend to give up because they don´t have the time to compete in bids and bids and bids. And of course, I love the exciment of war bidding, but I care more for a fair enviroment and give the same options to everyone. All of you that said if you want a player, no one stop you from offer whatever you think is fair. Thats not the point, you should have the same possibilitties than other to get the player at the best price.

all in all, to me a game with auto-bid system is much more fair than a game without it, and that should be enough to get you to aprove this proposition

Anyway, It was a pleasure to have the opportunity of gave our approach and listen other people who think so different to me

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318174.70 in reply to 318174.69
Date: 2/14/2023 5:39:08 PM
Caciques de Trujillo
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Concuerdo con tu punto de vista, solo que lo haría igual que hattrick, todos los no supporter hacer 1 oferta máxima, y los supporter pueden hacer algunas mas.

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318174.71 in reply to 318174.68
Date: 2/14/2023 5:45:15 PM
Caciques de Trujillo
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Un Valerano Exiliado
I think, they should create new things to the game, so that the game encourages the players to pay the supporter, look I'm not saying that it's a game that you have to pay to win, but if you have to give a little more things, because friend, let's be clear, the game for this asset must generate revenue, otherwise it dies. So maybe it will give some benefits that people like the supporter, as long as it's not too expensive, I guess it just helps. I don't know, my humble opinion.

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318174.72 in reply to 318174.71
Date: 2/14/2023 5:50:13 PM
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The instant BB becomes pay to win, I think that instantly hurts user retention.

Every current feature for supporter I'd say does a good job of being cool features/more convenient but doesn't near the line of being over-powered where people feel like they need to buy it in order to compete. Being able to control the transfer list and bidding market would be too big of an advantage.

At the end of the day, BB should be fun, competitive, and challenging, but not pay to win.

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(
This Post:
318174.73 in reply to 318174.67
Date: 2/14/2023 5:52:11 PM
Arsenal 98
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Stamford Snow Leopards
I'm a pretty strong no. Agree with most of what everyone else who doesn't like it is saying.

I think there'd be an inflation in the transfer market - all the less active old rich teams will find it easier to spend their cash with the new system. How big? Who knows, but it should eventually settle down.

There'd be a move towards the smarter teams getting better over the more dedicated ones...some people will like that, some not so much?

Personally I think the top of the game should be filled with the teams who will spend most time being active on BB rather than those who can be the smartest with their cash (BB obviously isn't all cash management, it's tactics, training, many things..). The very top of the game you'll need to be both of course, but say the top division of each country's league.

I see a lot more potential National Team trainees, or actual NT players going to semi-active teams who forgot about their training or mess up the game shape with a transfer market leaning in this direction also.

It'd definitely take a chunk of fun away with regards to the transfer market in my opinion, and maybe that's one of the things I enjoy more than some about BB.
