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BB Global (English) > Supporters protest against the delays of matches, training, etc.

Supporters protest against the delays of matches, training, etc.

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201393.66 in reply to 201393.65
Date: 11/21/2011 8:18:50 PM
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I see you dont understand.
Sometimes it is just that the last time I log on the Friday before 2 pm and I wanted to know whose players are in what form, and which po in training to be able to select S5 for three matches a week, especial on Saturday. If we have delay i have o problem.

Maybe yoy tray set you team always before Friaday training updates?

This Post:
201393.67 in reply to 201393.66
Date: 11/21/2011 8:42:19 PM
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I do understand. My point is that instead of worrying about that, you should be worrying about how to properly manage your team's minutes so that all of your players have decent game shape, making the decision about who plays less dependent on the GS update. 17 players is not optimal for your playing time minute distribution or for your finances. There are several things that you should be focusing on in your own team management before you should be complaining about factors outside your control. My final point is that the game is free for you, so you are getting much more than you pay for in the first place and really don't have much business complaining.

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.
This Post:
201393.68 in reply to 201393.67
Date: 11/22/2011 5:21:04 AM
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I see you still don' understand. Please set your sqad always before training update, if you think that uptades have no matters.
You must'n teach me about depending on GS and players playing minutes in the week.

Game no longer be free for me when I spent money for buy supporter.

I understund you are GM and you always must defend BB staff.

From: achillu

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201393.69 in reply to 201393.68
Date: 11/22/2011 6:30:42 AM
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sorry Mario, but i think he's just trying to help you !
effectively, 17 players is not good, 11 or 12 when you're still in national cup is better, for the trainings and for the fits ;)
but you're also right, it's your team, and you can manage as you want ;)

From: Mario

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201393.70 in reply to 201393.69
Date: 11/22/2011 6:58:24 AM
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I havent' got GS problem if you want to known.
do not see that 8 players is still for sell?

only Li Hangyong have trublem with GS, becous when i bough him before my match, and he played in the same day in previous team. So he in one week plated about 120min.

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201393.72 in reply to 201393.68
Date: 11/22/2011 9:49:56 AM
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4 of the 10 guys not on sale have GS 6 or less.
You aren't a supporter.
I don't have to defend the BB staff. In this case, I happen to disagree with you. I often set my lineups- two league games, cup game, B3 game, and PL, over a week in advance because I am busy and sometimes forget to set my lineup day of the game. In cases where I don't get back to double check, I generally don't have to worry about my team GS because I manage my minutes played. But, if you want to continue to believe that it is the update that is doing your team a great disservice, that is your right. Good luck.

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.
From: Saltori

This Post:
201393.73 in reply to 201393.62
Date: 11/22/2011 10:14:33 AM
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There aren't developers :S

We're alone :S

This Post:
201393.74 in reply to 201393.72
Date: 11/22/2011 12:12:35 PM
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This is not discussion about GS in my team.
I was supporter it's one.
I paid for supporter for one manager, so i have reason to talking about problems in this game.

This Post:
201393.75 in reply to 201393.72
Date: 11/22/2011 12:29:55 PM
KS Goldena
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Second Team:
KS Golden Grizzlies
What significance does the number of players in roster of the impossibility of setting the composition on time because of delays? Mario roster and form of the players doesn't matter in delays topic.

I see voices that for somebody doesn't matter when the training is. Some of the users probably do not care about watching live matches but big part of us like to be excited about watching live matches. This is very important part of this game. Moreover, in this game we have something like weekly schedule. BBs invite us on concrete time on training, matches etc. We are on time...and? BB is just part of our live. We have families, schools, jobs etc. Do you understand? We feel that our time isn't respected.

This Post:
201393.76 in reply to 201393.75
Date: 11/22/2011 12:42:51 PM
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The significance is that instead of complaining about how the training update adversely affects his roster making (which he did and to which my comments have been directed), the poster could eliminate the problem by managing his minutes more effetcively. The game is not and never will be bug free. To sit around and complain is one option. To accept imperfection and think about ways to work within the current system is another. I choose the second because compalining about the trivialities of an online game when we all have families, schools, jobs etc. is not only embarrassing but comnpletely misplaced energy in my opinion. And, let me be clear, this is just my opinion.

Last edited by somdetsfinest at 11/22/2011 12:44:03 PM

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.