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An example of BB's demise (thread closed)

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204848.66 in reply to 204848.65
Date: 12/31/2011 3:34:52 AM
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You both completely miss the point. Daytrading is so NOT forbidden. Boss on the other side is talking about CHEATING and accusing GMs of doing it.

Daytrading (as useless as it is as of now - on the transfer market pretty much everyone is sold for the same amount of money nowadays) is a way to gain money, and - my 2 cents - is ALOT more straight on than for example tanking a season or "tanking" for 5th place or whatever. Daytrading is the capitalist approach to sports, and well - it´s as legal as real estate speculation.

Selling worthless players for 100k, overpricing guys without any value on the other hand is in fact CHEATING.

So of course reporting "daytrading" won´t lead anywhere. It´s like reporting "my opponent listed 10 guys for our match" or "my opponent received training". And it´s a crybaby thing.

Reporting ABUSIVE trading behaviour and TL manipulation is a MUST though, because its a sign someone is bullying both the game and the market. NOT reporting "criminal" behaviour here but complaining about it is pretty stupid.

Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, die Dummheit und das All...
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204848.68 in reply to 204848.67
Date: 12/31/2011 4:22:23 AM
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Daytrading is not forbidden. Of course not. What are you talking about? You have to pay huge transfer fees, and wait for the player to be on your bill for at least one financial update, but obviously daytrading is allowed.

Boss (aswell as you, but that´s nothing new with Mr. Conspiracy) is accusing the GMs of cheating in public. This is OBVIOUSLY against the rules btw.

Last edited by LA-seelenjaeger at 12/31/2011 4:22:58 AM

Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, die Dummheit und das All...
From: Kukoc

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204848.73 in reply to 204848.63
Date: 12/31/2011 8:38:51 PM
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So you make money on training, but you want more money from training (remember your first point was, that training is not profitable)? Who cares about your training record? I already explained how training is profitable.
Your goal as a manager is to find the best ways to manage your club. If it's tanking in micronations, then that is what you should do (until the player salary floor get's raised or salary cap get's set). You can also easily train in divI in micronations. Yes you should train and make profit. The only thing you should remember is, that you are competing against your own micronation managers. It's your goal to beat them. If you have beaten them, then next step would prolly be B3. After that, your goal would be to keep dominating.
I don't understand, why you always have to write so long answers with no new info in those posts? What tanking/daytrading in the future are you talking about? You are already burned out with all the daytrading you have done (that's why you keep searching "solutions" to your clubs standstill) and tanking seems so boring to you. You still have not overcome your countrymen (who havent daytraded nearly as much as you). So you have proven absolutely nothing. You constantly provide exaggerated "facts" (which have been proven wrong in posts, training profitability, 300k player availability, supporter numbers etc). Face it, your not good at numbers and doing the base backround work. All you do is cry "imbalance" while being a bit crazy and overly paranoid.
