A) although it takes longer to train superior outside players, they seem to sell for more enabling the purchase of top inside defenders.
At this point, I dont think there's much of a premium for gaurds, and if there is, it's not worth the additional difficulty.
For example, I just sold a guard who's guard skills totaled 65 for 4.75m. I just bought a center who's inside skills totaled 45 for 3.8m. If you assume that both of those players started at respectable for all their skills, it took the guard 6 more pops to get to where he was. Also, the guard had better inside skills then the center had outside skills.
The chances of finding a center who has mostly 7 inside skills to start is also better then finding a guard who's outside skills are mostly 7 to start. I don't know if that helps, but it made sense to me at least
B) It seems that OD is lacking on a lot of teams, even the ones ( or maybe especially the ones ) that have great outside shooters.
Could be. I spend almost all my time training outside defense though.
C) having quality from behind the arc can be a huge advantage in close games.
I think having quality in the paint is a bigger advantage, as there's a better chance to draw fouls and get opponents in foul trouble.
Last edited by brian at 1/6/2009 10:40:52 AM
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