hard to say what the build was, but to have such a high salary ( the highest at 21) one would imagine a monoskill beast that is unstaffable eventually...unless someone fixes him later....Anyway so its less of what a veteran would train...well not for their team.It is what a veteran NT farmer would train for an NT though, so it is commendable how this newbie figured it out. I wonder why they quit.....also the amount of time it takes the account to go bot...its like they sold the player just in time to quit/right before quitting. Very nice of them I guess.
If you go into debt, you will be charged a 5% penalty each week until you are positive again at the time of a economic update. If you drop below -$500k, you must get out of debt within two weeks or your key players will be put on the transfer list at a starting price of zero. If after selling your players you are still not out of bankrupcy, you will be fired as manager at the next economic update. Bankrupcy is calculated first in the economic update and active bids on your players do not count as money you have to avoid bankruptcy.
So you are saying #1 you think he has an awesome build....really?#2 that you don't care how he was created, legally or otherwise?Lance Armstrong? Who cares if it was dope that got him through, right???