About this tactic predicting bonus thing:
Since everyone is playing LI, everyone will predict that his opponent will play LI, so no bonus will be granted :)
Reducing salaries in JR and SB is not an actual tweak, it's a gentle way to tell users to start training SB and play outside tactics. Salarywise outside tactics can be as effective as inside oriented ones. But no one has big guys with 2 ΙS and 16 REB, ID (check his salary). On the other hand, many teams have players with even atrocious JR and play inside tactics hence they have low salary teams (myself included).
I like the changes (except that prediction bonus thing, this is just a joke that punishes teams), I don't like the reasons that caused them. I believe BB's should be more strict in not changing the game because spoiled users, supporters, customers are flooding the forums. They could hint them what to do and not change the game. The tactics are fine, the users don't know what each tactic does and how it is countered. I hope some changes will be just a placebo.