Statsman, you know that, tonight, I'm relying on you to know if we qualified. Better not say we did if we don't ! :)
I can stomach not qualifying, but not thinking we did :(
So to ease the tremors of Perpete, and risk of my head on a stick, I shall now double and triple check the results of today's outcomes. Exciting times! :D
all the teams that are 6-1 before today's games will not affect us, as their spots are secured. Thus top 16 spots are out of the running. Here is the list from 17 to 32:
17 Belgium 6 2
18 Hrvatska 6 2
19 Türkiye 6 2
20 Schweiz 6 2
21 Brasil 6 2
22 Canada 6 2
23 Danmark 5 3 220
24 England 5 3 206
25 Magyarország 5 3 148
26 Bulgaria 5 3 142
27 Portugal 5 3 124
28 Malaysia 5 3 116
29 Sverige 5 3 89
30 U.A.E. 5 3 87
31 Hanguk 5 3 61
32 Singapore 5 3 51
Colombia 5 3 30
România 5 3 7
Scotland 5 3 -12
Rossiya 4 4
Australia 4 4
Peru 4 4
Norge 4 4
Jamaica 4 4
Andorra 4 4
Shqipëria 4 4
it is still a bit of a mess right now, I will try to go over it again to make sure
but from initial reports, it looks like we made it in the #31 spot!!!
hold your celebration, let me double check. Perpete will be so mad if my math is wrong! :P
I think we have history in the making... =)
the rankings of 6-2 teams might not be correct, but that is not of concern. going over the PD of 5-3 teams once again to ensure correctness
nigeria beating peru was crucial!
norway losing to vietnam may have also played a small role
japan not going down without a fight and taking down Andorra helped
jamaica vs romania played a tight game and eliminated each other from the competition
and there we have it... I hope my foot is not in my mouth when I say. We made it!
Last edited by Statsman at 11/27/2017 10:16:50 PM