1. Yes, when you play 3-2 zone your rating is lower and SB doesn't increase your defence ratings. Inside defence was much more better as you can see on number of blocks 21-3..
In generally: I had pretty OK team for 3-2 zone but problem was that my SF isn't that good and I played mainly only one decent PG or SG at the time. Now I have to rase money and will sell few players away. IMO OD isn't that important on 3-2 zone, of course you have to have decent players but not monsters. I guess I also mainly have played against teams which don't have such a strong outside skills.
At the moment I have one NT player and I will still giving training to him but after he is done I will start to train my own inside players. There are almost ever decent inside players for 3-2 zone in the transfer list. So, I have to training those to my self. Long road will be start soon..