Thanks for the advice and the link. I watched the whole movie, not because I needed inspiration for rebuilding this team, but because it's about one of my all time favorite sports teams. "Little Joe" and "The Diesel" are two of my favorite athletes. Still, they do need to change their name, but I'll spare you that rant for now. Anyhow, I will take what I've learned about D3 and bring it with me to D4. I'll rebuild, and I will be back when I am ready, unless I promote by accident or find even more issues with this game. Speaking of that, I'm still trying to wrap my head around how you people all have only about 12 guys on your team. I know, that's what the NBA does, but I'm pretty sure that players in the NBA are capable or starting more than 2 out of every 3 games. Also, there is the problem of training players. If you want to train a player correctly, you have to start him at 2 or 3 different positions during the season. How do you get around both of these problems and still have enough starters to win?
You should be able to get back up pretty quick, d4 has turned into a waste land so unless you get stuck in a league of death where three or four teams all have the ability to come back up I think you will be alright.
I think the key with trainees is to use them off the bench for league games then play them only in the scrimmages. The conventional wisdom is to try and have everyone play 48-72 minutes per week with in my view the ideal being around 64. Yes some starters can end up logging around 80 and you can let someone get around 90 for the week without destroying GS. As for players needing to play multiple positions to train properly I can make a case for and against that. If you want a player where his main skills are accentuated then you do not want to train out of their natural position. But if you want a well rounded player without huge holes in their game then yeah you want to spend some time training out of their natural position. Personally I take a free range approach where training minutes and training focus sometimes just depends on how that week is playing out.
Glad you enjoyed that SKINS goodness. It was such a proud franchise, I grew up on them. Here in NC Before the Panthers the skins were what you got. If you go to eastern NC its still very much Redskins country. Now by Little Joe do you mean Joe Washington or Joe Theismann? The former while still a great contributor had his better days with the Colts. The latter was in my book the most unappreciated QB of his generation. Riggo was well....Riggo (loosen up Sandy baby), the fun bunch, Art Monk, Dexter Manley, Darell Green, Dave Butz ("Butz for Utz, still my chip of choice because of those radio commercials) Sonny Sam and Frank on the radio call ( turn down the sound turn up the radio except MAYBE if Madden was doing the game). Those were the days my friend we thought they'd never end. But Gibbs retired to do Nascar, old man Cooke died, that scumbucket got the team,and now were a national punchline. Much as I know they need to change the name a piece of me will die the day they do and unless they can come up with something catchy or poignant I will no longer have a NFL team I can call my own or i will just have to give my allegiance to the soulless panthers. As for this season I come in with zero confidence, 4-12 is a distinct possibility with about six of those being games they will piss away and like many old time fans I want these tough times to continue in the hopes that horrible man who owns this franchise will decide he no longer wishes to do so. #HTTR (sigh)