This calculation was said to be similar to the wage calculation, to give users an idea of how it works.
If the calculation is "similar to the wage calculation, I understand that the potential is reached less fast when the skills are "smoother" exactly like the wage increase less fast when the skills are "smoother".
this is correct.
Or another example: SF has a smaller wage than a center and so for me he needs a smaller potential than a center. Even if the totals of skills are the same.
this isn't entirely correct.
Because the SF will be listed as a SF, his skills will be weighted diffrent from a center's skills, and therefor will need the same potential to be able to reach the same level of gameplay with his skillset for his position.
It is a fact it is much harder to train SFs, which has resulted in centers being more skilled in BB then SFs (look at the ratings, centers will have higher gameratings, and that is due to the fact they only focus on the inside, while a SF has his skills spread all over the place.)
My SF which has a wage compareable to my center's last year, still had a lowe rrating, not much, but it was slightly lower. Which indicates that SF's wages are not lower then C's. I rather think that when you want a SF with the same value on the court as a C, you will have to go for a higher paid SF then you need to pay the C, so this would mean the SF will need a higher potential to be able to reach the same level (IF it would be wage-dependant).
Yet if you train both C and SF for an equal amount of time (for instance 6 seasons), the C will always be better then the SF in the end, because you don't need to divide the training over so much skills, which leads to SF's needing a lower potential.
The average of SF needing a higher potential to be able to reach the same level as a C could ever reach
if there would be no cap, and the fact SFs just can't reach that far as C's
if there would be no cap, balances the whole system a little.
(in short, to be able reach the same level, a SF would need higher potential, yet they just don't have enough time to reach that high level, so don't need a cap that is that high)
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