They are probably satisfied with it... personally, I'm not. I won't ever spend any more money in scouting until something is changed in the current draft system.
If the others in your league are scouting, it's probably a mistake to invest heavily in the draft if you expect a 17-5 record like you had last season. Most late first-round NBA picks aren't superstars either, although occasionally somebody does slip.
On the other hand, if you expect to have a lousy season, then a heavy investment in scouting is more likely to pay off.
I'm curious how many people with bad records are still unhappy with what they got; I suspect it's a lot fewer. Then again, teams with bad records seem to be less likely to post in the forums here...
you have atlist one who write here an highly unhappy with the results i have invested 40k for 14 weeks i got 23 full information players i finished 10-12 and 5th in my house and had 7th peek in the draft
the player i choose for no' 1 had a great game A+ renk and 4 stars potential you are more then wellcome to tell me what can i do with a SF with 1 OD he might be a good PF if any one will be thinking abut him this way but he have 2 IS
i wasted 560k on the draft this season got myself a 7 peek witch is a good peek when the rest of your league invest 13k on average a week on scouts to have atlist one dissent player the last 2 drafts i did not complain but is as i was peeking 18 and 16 but this season with 40k a week investment and a good peek i got the worst draft ever
i can tell you one thing though if the draft system sty this way i will not invests another $ in it
Get your facts firs then you can distort them as you please. Mark Twain