Hi everyone! I have few minor improvement suggestions for BB World! -Page 1/2-
1. Loans for the new managers
The introduction of loans for the new managers (active between 1 and 5 seasons) would help them becoming more competitive. The loan options would be 1, 2 or 5 million (only one active possible), but only if the manager has met the specific criteria (solvency based on revenues). The repayment deadlines should be 2, 3 or 5 seasons, respectfully to the amount of loan taken. It would look like this:
1 million loan - repayment period 2 seasons, seasonal interest 10%, total repayment of 1.2 million, or weekly around 50,000
2 million loan repayment period 3 seasons, seasonal interest 5%, total repayment of 2.3 million, or weekly around 64,000
5 million loan - repayment period 5 seasons, seasonal interest 3%, total repayment of 5.75 million, or weekly around 96,000
In this method of lending money, loans for experienced managers could be also given, to those whose teams are having larger revenues or money in the bank account, but with the important condition that their seasonal interest rates would be far more than these standard ones. And that would be 30-20-10%.
2. Translation of recent game developments
A couple of managers in my country (non-native English speakers) have expressed that there should be a new section in BB Menu or on a national forum where recent game improvements could be listed so that even those users who barely speak English can be fully in track of recent features that BB World offers. IMO, this could ideally be done by the addition of new section of the site where the news and game manual are, or on a national forums. Translation of news only is not enough.
3. Domestic talent subsidies system - "The most complex addition"
The establishment of national treasuries through taxes on weekly revenues is the first step. The taxes would be equal for all, regardless of division. The tax rate is fluctuating, between 0.1% and 1%. The elected national team manager would be obliged to manage the fund in a way to subside all the managers who would train 18-21 year old youngsters, regardless of owner's nationality. That way, managers would be partly compensated for sacrificing team's successes for the good of national teams. Also, the national teams that have good scouting systems and active community are rewarded more. Also, the training of national team players is greatly encouraged.
In case of my country (Serbia), there are 4 leagues (3 active) (the maximum tax rate applied):
I division: 16 teams, average weekly revenues ~700,000 - weekly DTS tax 7,000 (~84,000 per season) - combined 1,344,000 per season
II division: 64 teams, average weekly revenues ~500,000 - weekly DTS tax 5,000 (~60,000 per season) - combined 3,840,000 per season
III division: 256 teams, average weekly revenues ~300,000 - weekly DTS tax 3,000 (~36,000 per season) - combined 9,216,000 per season
IV division: 1,024 teams, of which around 50 are active, average weekly revenues ~150,000 - weekly DTS tax 1,500 (~18,000 per season) - combined 900,000 per season
In total, national treasury in case of Serbia would have: 1,275,000 a week or 15,300,000 per season (all season long maximum tax rate applied)
There is a total of 12 weeks each season when the taxes are collected. The last, 13th week in a off-season, the taxes are not collected.
Last edited by AirWolf at 4/11/2018 10:31:08 AM