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Lietuva NT (thread closed)

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From: kozlik4

This Post:
294370.694 in reply to 294370.693
Date: 12/23/2019 4:35:01 PM
KS Goldena
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
KS Golden Grizzlies
I think China is a team which is also out of our range right now. We would have chance to win only if I would have guessed both GDP...So I took the risk. Unfortunately, only in half successfully. Anyway, China play outside attack very rarely, so I had to do big work before the game to guess it...I regret it haven't gave a win too.

Last edited by kozlik4 at 12/23/2019 4:36:58 PM

This Post:
294370.697 in reply to 294370.696
Date: 12/24/2019 2:21:40 AM
Dead Stars
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
BC Straubliukas
Nes nieko geriau neturim ir nepanašu, kad turėsim. Visi tik kritikuot moka, kai nepasiseka, o imtis iniciatyvos bijo. Būkit dėkingi, kad kozlik aukoja savo laiką ir siekia rezultatų, o tai neaišku kur dabar būtų mūsų rinktinė.

This Post:
294370.699 in reply to 294370.698
Date: 12/24/2019 3:54:04 AM
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Nesuprantu , ka tu jame stebuklingo matai.

Rinktine likus be normalaus SF,

Kokius zaidejus NT priziuri , ar augina pats treneris ?

Aisku as nezinau kitu NT zaideju skilu , bet keista kai 1 rungtynes (41168937) pasirodo starte ir surenka daugiausei minuciu , o kitose net 3 varijantu nepasirenkamas , nors jo DMI didziauses is visu maziuku zaideju + istverme dar pakilus :)

Kodek Maciukonis nezaide ?

Belieka dekoti ,kad aplamai tokie zaidejai ,dar nepasalinti is ringtines ,.....

From: kozlik4

This Post:
294370.701 in reply to 294370.695
Date: 12/24/2019 4:08:50 AM
KS Goldena
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
KS Golden Grizzlies
Yes, I think we lose the most in qulity of our guards. Spain and China have guards with TSP much more over 140 (include IS around 20). Look, even players like these:(41693115), (41693109) don't have place in Spanish NT roster. They are big BB communities with own tradition in training (for example every Chinese player are specific is easy to recognize on TL) where are people which love training and sacrifice results to train players.

Generally, we have also narrower choice and it also make difference. We still strrugle with bad game shape. Because of this some of key players can't play. Some players like Biliutavicius and Kutinas after retirement are diffiuclt to replace. They (Spaniard, Chinese, Italy) have a lot of tremendous players, and are able to easily replace them.

Anyway, our young players should give highest quality. They need only a bit of time yet.

This Post:
294370.702 in reply to 294370.699
Date: 12/24/2019 6:47:18 AM
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Akivaizdu, kad kiekvienai taktikai tinka skirtingi zaidejai, tiek gynyboj tiek puolime todel ir zaidzia kaskart kiti zaidejai.. kozlik puikiai atlieka savo darba, geresnio trenerio nebuvo ir turbut niekada nebus, sunkiai isivaizduoju kas ji galetu sekmingai pakeist.. keep it up kozlik

This Post:
294370.704 in reply to 294370.703
Date: 12/24/2019 7:35:38 AM
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Su šv. Kalėdom. Linkiu, kad ateinančiais Žiurkės metais nestigtų sėkmės ir pergalių :)
