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The tax rate is formed based on the number of players meeting the criteria for getting a two-week subsidies. In the first two weeks, it is always a maximum tax rate of 1%. A list is formed of players under national team manager watch - all players who had at least one pop-up over two weeks, regardless of which skill it is, are added automatically to the list. In case of Serbia, weekly collected DTS taxes (1,275,000 a week, 2,550,000 for subsidies period) are divided by number of players fulfilling the criteria. If there are 200 players under monitoring process that got at least one pop-up, a manager gets 12,750 for one player or a maximum of 38,750 over subsidies period (3 players maximum).
If in a subsidies period (two weeks), this average subsidies amount per player is higher than 20,000, all the managers get a maximum of 20,000. Also, this activates the drop of tax rate by 0.2%, so that in the next period the community is not loaded and being used by the lack of managers training national team players. If this amount in the following period drops below 10,000, all the manager get a minimum of 10,000 per player meeting the criteria. Also, for the following period tax rate goes up by 0.2%. But it can not go below 0.1% and more than 1%.
There should be a control system as well, through criteria fulfilled to get a subsidies:
* First of all, the collected taxes must are spent equally after every SECOND week by the national team manager. In case not, BB clears the account before EVERY THIRD week of financial update to ZERO, i.e. before the next period (next two weeks) of weekly taxes are collected.
* The national team manager who is obliged to manage the fund, is not allowed to send subsidies individually, but in one click to all the mangers whose players have fulfilled the specified criteria - at least one pop-up in TWO weeks.
4. Partial refund to new managers
Every new manager (active between 1 and 5 seasons) could be allowed to have a "partial refund option" for the newly acquired young talents. He could use this option only 3 times and only for the newly acquired players aged 18-21 with at least "superstar potential" for a sum less than 1 million. Once he has acquired the player, he could seek half-the-sum-refund from BB using this option. This way, players would be encouraged to buy good prospects to carry their teams to bright future, but for reasonable price. This way, BB would over the long term subside them with a maximum of 1.5 million.
In total, this is my suggestion for 4 new additions in BB World. I would be happy if at least 3 out of 4 would be implemented as soon as possible. :-D
Last edited by AirWolf at 4/11/2018 10:48:50 AM