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127581.7 in reply to 127581.5
Date: 1/12/2010 8:35:00 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
His inside defense is prominent, so it is pretty realistic to think he you are correct :)

Thanks for the responses everyone, just found it interesting. As per the stat lines, I would take Maja's any day. Only given the fact that the other player has a 60K salary and is clearly alot better as of right now. In the soon future I think Maja will be one hell of a SF/PF.

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127581.8 in reply to 127581.1
Date: 1/12/2010 10:16:25 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Rating have pretty less to do with performance, it is more a sign how good he is on certain positions in general. Sometimes it ain't perfect, and sometimes it looks weird because he had an perfect or wasted day on court.

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127581.9 in reply to 127581.8
Date: 1/12/2010 4:00:28 PM
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Very true. I just thought I would share this case as it is pretty extreme.