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Suggestions > Rare random factors

Rare random factors

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130277.7 in reply to 130277.6
Date: 2/3/2010 1:24:03 PM
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I like the skill drop idea, but only if its temporary and not permanent. Just imagine you train a player for a few seasons (=one "real" year) and some random event destroys some of your hard work - how humiliating and de-motivating would that be? If that happened to me I would instaquit this game.

Hidden potential - I dont think this would make sense, maybe if potential in the beginning would just be an estimate and then could raise or drop one or two levels, but completely hidden... I dont like this.

Skill boost - random and thus unfair

Ricky Rubio - I think rookies should become stronger in general (maybe the top-rookies salary range up to 10-15k), but 2 or 3 16 year old top-guns in the whole game? Whats the profit for everybody here?

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130277.8 in reply to 130277.3
Date: 2/3/2010 8:56:41 PM
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1. This is already taken care of via game shape. You have a player injured for that long and his GS will drop dramatically meaning it will probably take him 2+ weeks to get back in shape which is essentially a "skill drop" as he is not performing at his optimum

2. It will kill off the transfer market. It doesn't make logical sense why anyone would spend money on young guys without knowing his potential. Even the likes of Darko and Kwame brown was touted by scouts to have high potential when they were drafted. Not having any idea on the actual potential of the guy brings too much luck into a game

3.As already mentioned, you can still give them training minutes. No point giving them a skill boost on top of that. Also it is random and is thus unfair for others

4. this is probably the one I like the most. Reduce the starting age of guys to 17. Though this has to be made extremely rare like 1% of all draftees so you will have some drafts where there isn't any players of this age.

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130277.12 in reply to 130277.11
Date: 2/4/2010 3:02:18 PM
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it's a nod to the training system who works very explosiv, and will even look more silly if you get complete players - but hey training is fun ;)

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130277.14 in reply to 130277.10
Date: 2/4/2010 4:04:50 PM
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early-bloomer and late-bloomer lane would look like that

You mean that speed of training would be on late-bloomers just faster? Means that you could train these players faster on late age than if they were youth? Or they would get better by themselves like your previous idea about skill boosting? I dont uderstand what do you mean.
