2º) The manager can select players of any team to play in any position. Giving an oportunity for those players training away from his natural position. Obiusly you can not see their skills, but you can take your decision based on statistics and salary.
2 problems arise here.
1. you want to give training minutes for the allstar game - I dont like it
2. if a manager can pick the allstars himself I guess this would more often than not mean that this players allstar-team (or at least a big amount of the allstars selection) would be his own players.
about2 i also don't see a more objective vote by the manager, and with the actual asd engine the vote and the player with the best stats is the intresting part of the ASD.
And that why i don't like tactics like Run and Gun or look inside there, ASD is a game for Fun to show who the best in the div and who pick the best tactic(and maybe i don't want my C to be a passing station for the guards there^^).
Also i won't give the skills to my opponents, if i like to do so i would put them constantly on sale and someone winning a stupid vote shouldn't change this.