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BB India > India 200 managers!!!

India 200 managers!!!

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176710.7 in reply to 176710.6
Date: 3/7/2011 6:19:17 AM
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That's true. Well for me I wasn't discouraged at all because I knew I couldn't win the games at first anyways. I guess it also depends on how much effort one's willing to give.

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176710.8 in reply to 176710.7
Date: 3/7/2011 12:26:51 PM
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I got lucky and won 8 games in a row last season, most by 2 or 3 points. Now, I'm winning by 30 or 40 so it's less challenging. Unfortunately, I think Le Grand Cox is still better than me so I may not promote this year. Just my luck that he landed up in my League!

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176710.9 in reply to 176710.8
Date: 3/7/2011 7:35:47 PM
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As you start understanding the fundamentals of the game, you'll naturally start winning the games. Le Grand Cox is my real life friend. He said he's gonna try to promote back to div I this season. Yeah I think his team is stonger than yours...frankly speaking. Even with the players he has now, he can well compete in div I in my opinion. lol when I promoted to div I last season, I had worse players :P

Last edited by Samurai_Tungi at 3/7/2011 7:36:04 PM

This Post:
176710.10 in reply to 176710.9
Date: 3/8/2011 10:57:01 AM
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Of course, he's traded his $45,000 shooting guard for a $15,000 one.

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176710.11 in reply to 176710.10
Date: 3/8/2011 11:04:32 AM
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Well this looks like a stupid move but perhaps he wanted to save some of his income? Besides, the 45k player he sold isn't a great SG. I saw his skills but the only skills that are outstanding and making the salary is high is the JS and JR.
There are 5 possible spots in div I at the moment. Usually only 4 teams promote to div I but since there are 5 bots (or there will be 5 bots soon), 5 teams will get promoted. As far as I can remember, if you have the best record or something like that, even if you didn't win the league championship, you get promoted. That's what happened to Rescue Ink last season. So there's still a chance!

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176710.12 in reply to 176710.11
Date: 3/8/2011 11:15:28 AM
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Sure. Let's see. I was actually tied with him until a minute left last time before losing by 8.

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176710.13 in reply to 176710.12
Date: 3/8/2011 11:19:17 AM
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The last minute gets really out of control when the scores are really close. Players start fouling like there's no tomorrow. There was a thread...i think it was called "the last minute madness" or something like that in the global forum. the posts there were fun :P

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176710.14 in reply to 176710.13
Date: 3/9/2011 8:55:02 AM
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Yes they were! The last minute of a tight game is something really crazy. And I think we can even feel the madness on BuzzerBeater! When I loose these kind of games, I get so angry, you can't imagine =P.

Otherwise, 200 members, but we haven't seen any news guys post something on the forums =S.

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176710.15 in reply to 176710.14
Date: 3/9/2011 1:09:39 PM
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It drives me nuts too. Also what drives me nuts is losing games which I could have won, but I lost because I either underestimated the opponent or chose wrong tactics. But then that's how we learn, isn't it? :P

200 players...but you're right, absolutely nothing :S

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176710.16 in reply to 176710.15
Date: 3/10/2011 4:26:53 AM
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Loosing which I should have won (Ex: Pakistan) is something that makes me sick. But we do learn a lot from defeat!

Anyways, do you guys BB-mail Indian newbies?

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176710.17 in reply to 176710.16
Date: 3/10/2011 6:53:38 AM
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Yep I sent emails to 5 newbies who are in div III about 4 days back. No replies yet. Hmm I hope somebody will come to be very active...
