Yes but it's limited in it fanction,i want him to take most of his shoots for 3 points and in ANY tactic it's in a good case the 3 point shoots are about a thired of the shoots the player take's,and still power fowerds and even centers take shoots,and what if i got a good center and in motion tactics he don't shoot almost at all? i actully loose that good attack skills of him becouse the tactic i choose can't use him in an optimal way...there is no tactic that allow you to optimize your players to the edge the que is how much players are you using well and much are you not-why not use them all as you want and need to?
I'm talking generaly not on my team roster (:But thanks for looking and cheacking it.And i don't want to grow any player and play any tactic,i want to give each player a set of orders that will be saved and carry on for any game untill i change it,i want each game my center to shoot in tha paint,my SG to shoot 3 points for at least most of his shoots and not only 1/3 of them like now,and not any more of the diffulets the game set for me without asking,i got a game where my PF shoot 4 time 3 point shoots,if i could i would tell him to go inside and try not to shoot any 3 point shoots,but i can't do that...and that is what i want to be changed here (: